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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 1268

The minute Henry sped towards the steel wall, the barrels of the guns blasted at him with a terrifying power, energy beams shot out of the guns one after another, aimed directly at Henry.

The destructive power of these condensed beams was extremely horrific. They could easily penetrate the defence of experts of the Divine Realm. Otherwise, there would not have been so many corpses of great demons beneath that wall of steel.

The moment those beams exploded at him from the gun barrels, the lotus appeared above Henry's head instantly, and began to spin wildly. Purple light poured out from the lotus, forming an energy shield in front of Henry.

When the beams got in contact with the energy shield that covered Henry, no sounds of explosion sounded. However, Henry, who was in the energy shield, felt as if he had been hit by a speeding truck. Although he was not flung backwards, the impact he felt on his body was very intense. At that moment, he felt that every muscle and bone in his body were about to snap.

A figure climbed up the top of the mountain. It looked at Henry's back. He stretched out an open hand at him. After a moment of thought, he closed four of his fingers, leaving only an index finger upright. He murmured, "If I do it his way, it probably won't be detected by those old fellas. How troublesome, to have such powers yet be bound by so many restrictions."

As the figure muttered, he pointed his index finger at Henry and said softly, "Break!"

The purple energy shield that covered Henry suddenly broke apart under the command of the figure.

The moment the energy shield was shattered, a purple light shone brightly.

"Oh, that was unexpected." The figure shook his head regretfully.

The purple aura of Henry's sword expanded in the wind, and had grown up to thirty meters with the blink of an eye. The gigantic sword hacked down at the steel wall from the air.


The entire mountain range trembled slightly under this attack.

An enormous cloud dust billowed.

When the smoke and dust thinned, a huge gap was visible in the seamless steel wall. The silhouette of Henry had already disappeared. All that remained on where he stood was a broken sword, only its hilt was intact, and whatever was originally left of its blade had broken into pieces.

The figure walked up to it. With a gentle wave of his hand, the broken pieces of the sword floated in the air.

The figure inspected it carefully and chuckled, "Ha, no wonder you were able to bust out a move like that. What a waste to use half-ancestral weapons like that. Everyone treats it as a treasure, yet you just used it as you pleased. Well, you were running for your life, so I guess that's a fair point for your actions."

The opening left in the steel wall caused all the people within it to panic.

The figure rose into the air and spoke, hie spoke effortlessly but his voice could be heard very clearly.


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