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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 1278

Sosasmo, the desert that was filled with bloodshed, was enveloped by darkness.

In the past, there would be taxis and ride-hailing service vehicles headed to the Steel City from the airport, but recently, after Steel City no longer welcomed outsiders, no one dared to enter it anymore.

At the beginning, some who felt confident in their wealth tried paying up in order to enter. However, they realised that no matter how much money they were willing to pay, it was of no use. There were even rumours that ever since the Steel City closed its doors to the public, many strange incidents had happened in the Sosasmo desert, some who set foot into it never returned.

As soon as Henry disembarked the plane, he heard about this rumour. In Henry's view, he was very clear about the sort of "strange incidents" that was going on in the Sosasmo desert, those who went missing probably witnessed some things that they should not have.

Just like the existence of the Recluse World, having existed on the surface of Earth for thousands of years, it was impossible that nobody had entered it by accident all these years.Yet until now, there was never any news about it. There were only terrible rumours about a certain extremely bizarre place where people never returned after they had stepped into it. Amidst those rumours, there were some who really did die due to conditions of the environment, but the number of people who died that way was definitely less than one out of a thousand. Most of those who disappeared mysteriously had surely been killed by their own kind.

Li led Henry out of the airport.

"As of now, Steel City is not open to the public. I've contacted a friend of mine who has some way to get there." Li Cheng said to Henry.

Meanwhile, within Steel City.

People who lived in this city, all hailed from the underground world. Even a plumber or a street vendor used to be big shots in the underground world.

However, the appearance of the originally prosperous Steel City had completely become different after it was closed to the public. It was usually brightly lit and lively in the night, but now, after the skies turned dark, the entire Steel City was dark and quiet, people no longer wandered the streets.

A man and a woman walked side by side on the street.

The woman held the man's arm and rested her head on his shoulder.

The man was strode on forward, scanning his surroundings from time to time. He only needed to point with his finger, and several shadows would speed to the direction his finger pointed at to handle the situation.

"Things have been developing very well recently. More and more people have learned to obey you." the woman held on the man's arm with a needy expression on her face.

"It is you they fear, not me." the man stopped and then turned to look at the woman who was holding on to his arm. "Sloane, what is the Alvin League planning next? Are you planning to take boss' life?"

"Haha." The woman covered her mouth and laughed softly. This man and woman were indeed Alvin Tsu and Sloane Reynolds.

Sloane shook her head, "The one who wants him dead isn't the Alvin League, but the Recluse Association. How about that, all that you had done earlier was just a prefigure. Once he is truly dead, Radiant Island will fall completely into your hands."

Alvin shook his head and said, "That's easy to say.

Even if he dies, many of his men still live on in Radiant Island. Plus, that old fella is still living on the island now, and half of its people would still listen to him!"

"Haha." Sloane laughed disdainfully, "Those pieces of trash can't stand in your way. Don't you worry, they will leave your boss on their own."

"On their own?" Alvin was confused.


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