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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 13

When the gray-haired Dean Cui saw Henry, she smiled and said, "This child, he often talked to me on the phone during the last couple of years. He told me on the phone that he used to be a waiter, a massage master, and also knew how to repair household appliances. Anyway, in the past few years, this child has suffered a lot."

"Is that so?" Jenny looked at Henry Zhang, who was standing there surrounded by many children. She watched him pick up a child from time to time and throw him high. Because of children's laughter, Henry's mouth couldn't help but grin.

The roar of the motor interrupted the warm scene. Three Mercedes-Benz G63 stopped at the gate of Spring Residential Home. Three people came down from each car, including men and women, men in suits, and women in high-end clothes. They were between the age of 30 and 40.

These people got out of the car and began to look around Spring Residential Home. One woman who looked like a secretary even took out a drawing and pointed at it.

The moment the little girl, Sarah, who was held in Henry's arms, saw these people, she pouted. "Bad guys! These bad guys come again!"

"Bad guys?" Henry was confused. He looked at the little girl in his arms and said, "Sarah, tell me, why are they, bad guys?"

"They're going to tear down my house!" She clenched her fists, and her face was full of anger.

"To demolish your house?" Hearing this, Henry's face suddenly became gloomy. He put Sarah down and let her go play with other children. Then he walked toward the dean.

Sarah's home, and all these children's home, was Spring Residential Home!

Similarly, this was Henry's home. A long time ago, he and his mother wandered here. It was because of the director's shelter that he could grow up.

When Henry walked Dean Cui, he saw Dean Cui's worried face and the woman in a white dress. Her face was full of regret.

"Dean, what's going on?" Henry pouted at the gate of the welfare home and asked.

Just as Dean Cui was about to speak, Jenny's voice interrupted her.

"I'll talk to them!" Jenny stood up in a white dress. She was about 1.68 meters tall, wearing white flat shoes, and her forehead was in height with Zhang Minghui's earlobe.

Looking at Jenny walking toward the gate of the welfare home, Dean Cui sighed and her eyes were full of exhaustion. She waved to Henry and said, "Henry, sit down first."

Henry sat down in front of Dean Cui.

Dean Cui, whose hair was grey, looked up at the sky. "Henry, you're twenty-three years old, aren't you?"

"Twenty-four." Henry looked at Dean Cui's kind face and felt a little sorry. This kind of woman was much older than he remembered before.

Dean Cui stretched out her hand and rubbed Henry's head. "Good boy, you have been sending money to the welfare home for the past few years. Do you remember that I told you on the phone a few years ago that there was a kind-hearted person to fund the welfare home for free?"

"Yeah." Henry nodded. When he heard this, he was very grateful to that kind-hearted person, but the Dean never told him who the kind-hearted person was.


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