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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 133

Facing Sylvia's doubts, Henry nodded without hesitation. "Yeah, I have already found."

Sylvia looked a little unhappy. "Henry, don't take this as a joke. I hope you can treat it seriously."

"Don't worry, I'm definitely not joking. I've really found a partner. You will meet him the day after tomorrow."

Sylvia still didn't believe him. It was not easy to find a French multinational group. How could they reach an agreement in just three days?

But since Henry said so, she could only believe it first. "I hope so. It's all right. I'll go to sleep first. You should go to bed early too."

Sylvia put on her pink slippers and went upstairs.

The moon and stars were moving, and the sun was rolling up in the sky.

As usual, Henry cleaned up the house and went to the company with Sylvia.

Henry had not been to the business department for two days. When he came, he saw that Amity was cleaning the floor carefully with a mop in her hand. Her smooth forehead was covered with sweat. Sister Hong and others were sitting, eating breakfast and discussing their new nails. They threw the garbage bag for breakfast under their feet and asked Amity to clean it up.

Sister Hong and the others are clearly bullying her by doing this.

Henry walked over and took the mop from Amity's hand. He frowned and said, "Didn't I tell you to stay home and rest for a few days?"

He was not surprised that Amity was rejected and bullied in the company. Because of the last incident, many people in the department blamed Amity, thinking that she ruined everyone's interests. If Amity did not earn some achievements, this kind of exclusion would continue.

Amity was surprised to see Henry, "Brother Zhang, I am..."

"What?" Henry threw the mop aside and grabbed Amity's thin arm. "Let's go. We'll do some business outside."

Amity let Henry pull her out of the office.

Henry took a look at the two blisters in the palm of her hand. He asked, "Have you come to work these two days?"

Amity smiled and answered, "I don't have anything to do at home, so I came to the company. It's very easy for me to clean up every day."

"Easy?" Henry curled his lips. Just look at the blisters in her hand. These two days she must have been grinding hard.

Amity saw that Henry's eyes were fixed on her hand, so she withdrew her small hand subconsciously.

Seeing the look of Amity, Henry sighed. "Little girl, it's one thing to love work, but you also need to know how to adapt. You know that you can't do anything in the company, but why are you letting yourself being bullied? Why don't you stay at home until tomorrow? You're a little stupid."

Henry stretched out his finger and poked Amity's head hard.

Amity stuck out her little tongue but did not say anything.

Henry walked out of the company with Amity and said, "Go home today and have a good rest. As for the company's project, you can have a look. The partner I found will come tomorrow. It's up to you to negotiate with them."

"Okay." Amity nodded.


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