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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 1343

While Henry talked to the Heretic God, he had already arrived before the mountains and clear waters that were enveloped in a thick fog. The whole mountain range and oasis appeared in the desert was shrouded by a large amount of thick fog.

The words of the Heretic God kept echoing in Henry's mind. Practitioners in ancient times had trained their bodies and could hurt the spirit bodies simply with their physical body, but Henry had not even an idea what spirit bodies were, so how could he possibly use his physical body to hurt them?

As he stared across the land that was covered by the thick fog before him, Henry could only sigh at his own weakness. There were so many mysterious matters he could not understand.

The Heretic God on the other hand, talked on with interest as they looked at the oasis before them.

"The ancestral grounds of the Loulan still have quite a complete formation, which is quite rare. This kind of formation is very rare now. Lots of time and energy has to be spent in order to break it."

Henry stepped into the thick fog. With the presence of the Heretic God, Henry would naturally ask away with his own questions, asking everything that he could not understand.

"What is the principle of those formations?"

Henry walked within the thick fog, which clouded the vision of people from three meters away. Henry was very curious about all this. Generally speaking, the formations that he had seen most was the Spirit Gathering Formation and the Energy Emitting Formation. He had gotten to know of these formations from the Elder of the Tang family, but even the Elder could not clearly explain what the formations were.

However, Henry knew that beings like the Heretic God were absolutely clear about it.

Sure enough, just after he asked the question, the Heretic God replied with an answer.

"Actually, everything that can be seen in this world is a manifestation of energy. Take buildings for example, they are nothing more than a mixture of reinforced steel bars and cement. Steel bars and cement are manifestations of energy. Now let's look back at the formation before us, the appearance of mist, is just formed when cold air flows across the surface of water that has a higher temperature than it, the water vapour is quickly evaporated into the atmosphere and its temperature gradually drops to the point where it condenses, and finally turns into mist. Mist are small particles of water that is evaporated from the ground, then condensed in the cold air, forming microscopic droplets of water that drift in the air. It is something that has always existed in this world, all that is needed is just a special method to seal the energy of this sort, then when quantitative change leads to qualitative change, the result of that is this scene before you."

Henry was still quite doubtful. "Can you learn all these when your spirit body is split up?"

"Of course not," the Heretic God replied. "If I told you that people within the civilisation of the core had already raised theories of this sort tens of thousands of years ago, would you believe that? In fact, the civilisation of the core also lived on the surface a long long time ago."

Henry opened his mouth but there was no reply from him.


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