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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 1376

Terilyn had asked all the people she could and had spent a lot of money on trying to transfer her daughter to a better school. However, she failed to solve the problem of Renier's schooling. The biggest reason was not that the policy did not support it. Terilyn also informed the media after knowing that Renier had been bullied in the original school, which made the leader of the school extremely embarrassed. In such a small county, those people also had some friendships with each other, which made it particularly difficult for Renier to get to another school.

Terilyn had tried all the schools, but there was nothing she could do. And the school year was about to start. Terilyn was anxious. Studying was the most important thing for children. With the appearance of the old man recently, Terilyn was particularly annoyed. It seemed that all the bad things were piled up together.

At this time, Terilyn received a phone call from a friend she asked someone to call. The friend had some power in the county.

"Terilyn, I found a way to get the kid to go to school. The school is good. It's called Great Oak High School. Have you heard of it?"

It was a man who called.

"Great Oak High School?"

Terilyn was stunned for a moment when she heard the name, and then replied, "Of course I know, but it's a private..." "Of course it's private, otherwise who can accept your daughter?"

The other side said matter- of- factly, "You've already visited all the schools. Have you completed the school entry procedure?

"If you have, I'll just turn them down."

"No, no, no."

Terilyn replied in a hurry, "It's fine if it's private. It's fine if it's private. I'll pay for it."

"If that's the case, transfer three thousand to me. I'll arrange for you to meet the head of the school administration department."

The person on the other end of the line said and hung up the phone directly.

Three thousand yuan... Terilyn listened to the busy tone on the phone. For her, three thousand yuan were the living expenses of at least three months, and even four to five months if she used the money economically. Terilyn's family was very ordinary. Her salary for a month was only one thousand yuan. Her husband could only send the money back at the end of each year. Three thousand was not a small amount. Moreover, if she really wanted her daughter to go to a private school, the tuition was also a very scary number for Terilyn.

After thinking for a long time, Terilyn still transferred the money to the other side. After all, school was the most important for children.

Terilyn originally thought that the other side would arrange for her to meet the director of the school affairs. Unexpectedly, the other side only sent a location, saying that the other side would take part in a private party tomorrow night, and she could meet the director there.

Terilyn's first reaction was that she had been cheated. She called, but the other party answered. Terilyn asked her why they would meet in this way.

The other party replied with a question, "How do you want to meet?"

"To make a special appointment with the school administrator?"


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