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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 1439

Mr. Yang was about to strike, but he was interrupted by Henry, who was walking into the room.

Mr. Yang looked toward the doorway.

Reyni breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Henry. Even Reyni didn't understand why the face of Henry brought him relief.

Seeing Henry, Mr. Yang's face turned gloomy, "Who allowed you to come here?"

"What's wrong? We can't walk freely?"

Henry looked around and said, "No one stopped me, so I came over. Who would've thunk that I walked in on such a great show! Mr. Yang is a man of drama!"

"Syl, you'd better know who you are."

Mr. Yang shouted, staring at Henry. Syl was Henry's fake name that Absalon told Mr. Yang. Mr. Yang continued, "You don't have the right to judge me here. Do you understand?"

"No problem."

Henry shrugged. He then said, "I'm here for Reyni. Would that be a problem?" "Reyni?"

Mr. Yang face's became gloomier, "Reyni is busy. He doesn't have time for you."

"Oh, I think he will have time for the thing I want to talk to him about."

Henry sat down on one of the beds and continued, "I just overheard that Mr. Yang wants Reyni's wife to go out to look for supplies? I don't think it's necessary anymore. We have already found the passage out of town. Why are we going to need more supplies when we can just leave this mess of a town?"


Henry was calm when he said those words, but his words stirred the crowd.

When Henry made such information public, Mr. Yang's face darkened.

However, all the other people, even the ones that had been loyal to Mr. Yang, looked excited.

"Syl, what do you want?"

Mr. Yang rushed in front of Henry. He gritted his teeth and said with a lowered voice.

Henry ignored Mr. Yang. He raised his voice, "I don't know about you, but I have had enough of this place. During the daytime, Sword Valley people are hunting us, and at night, we need to watch out for the puppets. No matter how concealed this bunker is, the puppets will find us sooner or later. I'm leaving this place. Anyone who wants to join me, get packing!"

Henry's words were plain and simple, but they excited everyone.

Because everyone in the bunker wanted to stay alive.

The two men who were holding Reyni loosened their grips.

They wanted to leave the bunker and Thunder Town as well.

To leave this dangerous place was the only thing people wanted. They wanted to leave Thunder Town and settle down somewhere that they would have a real life. No one wanted to live with rats in a sewer without sunlight, worrying about their lives always.

Henry's words brought hope and excitement to everyone except Mr. Yang.

Reyni's roommates looked at Reyni. He didn't mention finding the way out after getting back this morning.

Reyni nodded to his roommates to acknowledge the authenticity of Henry's claim.

Seeing Reyni's confirmation, everyone was getting more excited.

People who were following Mr. Yang all forgot about Mr. Yang's orders. They just wanted to spread the good news and get packing.

"Let's go. We can leave this place now. That's great. Mr. Yang, that's great!"

One man said to Mr. Yang excitedly, "We, we can finally leave..." "Bang!"


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