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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 1495

Deputy Officer Zhou stood atop the city wall, listening to the words of Wade and others outside the city. He was so angry that he was at a loss for words.

"Sylvia, what's wrong? Are you suffering from lovesickness? Come on out."

"Just say it if you need a man, Sylvia. That's all you have to say and we, Seven Protectors of Mountain Heng, shall all agree with the marital issues of you and Syl!"

"Shut your asses!" Deputy Officer Chow yelled loudly. "Our general had already been engaged to the Martial King long ago. Look at Syl, what about him makes him worthy of being together with our general?"

"Hahahaha!" Sea God laughed aloud and said loudly, "Brother Syl of Radiant Island, the Seven Protectors of Mountain Heng have tried our best as your lobbyists, but it's a pity that the War Goddess doesn't seem to think much of you."

Henry's figure appeared in the air above the fortress of the citadel. He stood in the air and said towards the citadel, "Sylvia Lin, didn't you say that you would be waiting for me, Syl Zhang, to arrive at the citadel? Now that I have arrived, are you still trying to avoid battling me?"

"How dare you!" Sylvia's voice sounded, "Syl Zhang, I've been waiting for you long enough. I even thought you didn't have to balls to come here!"

The city gates opened and Sylvia walked out of the citadel in a suit of armour. They were clearly in a technologically advanced era, but Sylvia's outfit did not seem out of place, and even gave out an air of extraordinary heroism.

"Brother Syl, did you hear that? The War Goddess has been waiting for you." Wade's voice was very loud. "Don't you disappoint her this time. If it were up to me, I say you marry the crap out of her this time! That would make this trip a lot less of a complete waste of time, wouldn't it?"

"Marry her?" Henry smiled and said, "Why would I even need to marry a woman. I'll just capture this lady and make her my side-wife!"

Sylvia stood on the ground gritting her teeth furiously as she looked at Henry who talked big in the air.

Wade looked at Future, who was right next to him, and whispered, "Do you think the boss has gone a little overboard? Look at him talk to our sister-in-law like that, does he not fear being punished to kneel on his own fingers?" "Who knows?" Future pursed her lips. "I guess it's a golden opportunity for him to get some pleasure out of it."

"I even thought Boss is goner." Red Hair could already picture Henry being punished miserably after this in his head.

Henry, who was still in the air, spoke more and more venomously. "This lady is hard to care for. I'll have to first make her work in the fields for two months after I capture her back, then make her clean the toilets for a month. That should soften her a little!"

"Oh no, that's bad. Boss can't restrain himself anymore." Valentin covered his eyes.

Ranjeet, who was at the very back of the group, looked at Henry, who stood in the air, with admiration in his eyes and said emotionally, "Yes, that should be how arrogant my boss. This is what a real man is like. That is exactly what I want to be like!"

Still standing outside the gates of the citadel, Sylvia's face darkened the more she listened to Henry's words.

"Syl Zhang, you must have gone mad!" Sylvia leapt forcefully into the sky, and the Battle Spirit in silver armour appeared behind her, and a spear shot towards Henry with a flash.

"It's a scene of domestic violence, run, hurry!" Sea God exclaimed in a low voice.

"Fall back!" Wade and others regarded the situation at hand with little importance and quickly retreated, leaving the scene to be dealt with by Henry.

Henry, who was still jeering at Sylvia, only came to realise that he had gotten a little over-excited the instant he saw Sylvia lash out at him. He quickly revealed an apologetic smile to Sylvia, hoping to be forgiven by Sylvia.

However, the powerful strikes of the general in silver armour general gave Henry the idea that Sylvia had no intention of forgiving him that easily.

Behind Henry, a red True Spirit appeared with a flash. He faced the direction of Sylvia, closing in the distance with her. Although he was acting, but he had to act at his best.

The purple sword in Henry's hand gave off a majestic glow.

Many had already known that the purple divine sword in Syl's hand was incredibly powerful. Back then, it injured Supremacy Master Kirwen with just a single slash!

Henry charged forward, instantly exchanging more than ten moves with Sylvia. The fight was terrifying, the sounds from their battle rumbles across the land, and the area affected by their attacks were great. Bursts of Qi radiated towards every direction, and the purple light flashed across the lands, obstructing the view of the battle of the two. However, the eye of the battle seemed exceptionally gentle. Of course, this was only relatively speaking.


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