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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 1499

Looking at how furious Plasedo was, it was obvious that the manager had also crossed the line in the course of their negotiation.

Plasedo looked at Henry and others who were seated at the table, then looked around the hotel. He could not help but feel pity for the Martial King.

Although the Martial King was considered quite powerful in the main city, but that just applied within the bounds of the main city.

The Seven Protectors of Mountain Heng and this Syl Zhang on the other hand,

These were people who brought upon a storm in the entire district of Wanshan. If they were to really clash with the Martial King, the Martial King would also have to bow down to them. How could he be compared to these people? Their combined powers were equivalent to dozens of Supremacy Master experts!

From Plasedo's point of view, even the Thousand Blades Academy or Sword Valley were no match for these two forces, let alone the Martial King.

Yet now, the manager of the hotel who worked under the Martial King dared to provoke these people. Had he gotten bored with living?

Henry put down the tissue in his hand and glanced around the hotel.

Wade and the others all looked at Henry, waiting for him to make a decision.

Henry smiled and took a look at the communication device on his wrist, then said, "Finish them, you'll have 3 minutes."

Upon hearing Henry's words, Wade and the others were filled with excitement. They all got up and walked towards different sides of the hotel.

Henry picked up the wine glass on the table with two fingers and shook it gently. Just as the wine glass in Henry's hand shook for the first time, a True Spirit appeared at the entrance of the hotel and destroyed its doors.

Henry's expression did not change in the slightest. When he shook his wine glass for the second time, every piece of glass in the hotel was shattered, and another Battle Spirit appeared.

Henry lifted the glass to his nose and sniffed at the aroma from the wine.

A horrible scream erupted. As the scream sounded, the waiter who had picked up the broken pieces of the glass earlier falling to the ground with blood trickling out from his mouth.

"This wine is actually pretty good," Henry murmured.

Immediately after that, the expensive cabinet filled with fine wine was destroyed completely, and the expensive wine within it was spilled all over the ground. The hotel instantly fell into a state of panic.

"Who on earth is bold enough to wreak havoc in the ground of the Martial King?!" Someone roared, but as soon as the roar sounded, someone knocked them, sending them flying across the hall, blood sprayed from the person's mouth.

"The Martial King? How powerful is he? A restaurant like this that dares to rob its customers in broad daylight should be always prepared to be crushed." Wade sneered and a black butchering knife was seen flashing across, the head of the person who had just roared was immediately cut off cleanly.

"Since this is such a shady restaurant, there is no need for it to keep operating any longer." Future sneered coldly. All she had to do was to move a finger, and the entire hotel would be completely blown up.

"Wait a minute, pretty!" Ranjeet noticed Future about to press on the button and quickly said, "There are still some things left in the kitchen. Give me another ten seconds!"

Ranjeet's formed a small truck with his Qi and began loading it with supplies from the kitchen.

No one other than Ranjeet would have ever imagined of using the sacred, almighty Qi for such a purpose.

"All right, pretty, blow it up!" With a loud roar, Ranjeet sped out of the hotel with his Qi truck.


The hotel was instantly lit up in flames, then it began to shake and finally collapsed.

The elegantly dressed diners within the hotel ran out of the hotel panically, no longer caring for their manners or etiquette. Some of them who considered themselves powerful even wanted to lash out in anger, but when they turned around and noticed the emergence of several spirits, they all kept their mouths shut. They realised that the Martial King had provoked the wrong people!


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