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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 1503

The Token of True Spirits was the most precious treasure of the Elite Spirit Hall. The jade token in Henry's hand felt similar to the Token of True Spirit, so it definitely was not simply ordinary.

Having sold it for a hundred thousand yuan, the stall owner was filled with an indescribable joy.

"Young man, you've been fooled." A man who watched from the side approached Henry and said. "I've been watching him trying to sell that for a long while, people didn't even want to buy it when he asked for only one thousand yuan. He just noticed that you're very well dressed, and decided to take advantage of you. You've been cheated."

"That doesn't matter." Henry shrugged his shoulders and said. "It's just a hundred thousand yuan."

Henry replied so casually that the person turned silent, instantly losing the desire to continue saying any more.

"One hundred thousand yuan is too little, I will pay two hundred thousand yuan for it!" A voice sounded suddenly. A well-groomed young man in white walked over with a foldable fan in his hand.

A few people followed behind him. They were clearly his attendants.

Some people could be seen wearing casual clothes, and some were dressed more traditionally. It was very common for these people together mixed in a crowd. After all, such culture had existed within the Core for a long time. Casual clothing or traditional clothing, they were all just clothes in their eyes.

This well-groomed young man looked handsome and was brimming with confidence. Seeing how he was already at the early stage of the Divine Realm at his age, he could be considered a pretty outstanding young man.

When the young man announced his offer of two hundred thousand, the stall owner shuddered visibly, obviously stunned at that offer.

"This is Hanno Zhang." Plasedo leaned and whispered into Henry's ear. "The Zhang Clan also has a pretty high status in the main city, they belong under the Martial King."

"Oh." Henry simply nodded without any care for those words. "Is he causing trouble here on his own will, or was he ordered by someone to do so?"

Plasedo thought for a moment and answered, "Hanno is an arrogant man. He has always been like this, but his power is nothing to brag about. Even if the Martial King had assigned people to investigate the incident, he wouldn't consider Hanno. I'm guessing that he's here on his own will this time."

After listening to those words, Henry said nothing. He ignored Hanno completely and focused his attention on the jade token in his hand.

"My young master's talking to you, didn't you hear anything?" One of Hanno's attendants noticed Henry's indifference and shouted, "Why don't you ask around and find out a little about the status of the Zhang family in the main city."

The words of the attendant were completely ignored by Henry.

Hanno smiled, then turned his gaze at the stall owner, and said, "Three hundred thousand yuan."

The jaw of the stall owner fell to the floor.

After a few seconds, Hanno said again, "Four hundred thousand."

Greed was visible in the eyes of the stall owner. He rushed towards Henry and reached out to snatch the jade pendant from Henry, but Henry avoided him very easily.

The stall owner stared at the jade pendant in Henry's hand and shouted as he panted heavily, "Give it back, I'm no longer selling it!"

A hundred thousand was a lot of money for the stall owner, however four hundred thousand was enough to provide him with food and clothing for the rest of his life! Seeing how people were fighting for it, the stall owner soon realised that this jade ornament was some sort of treasure, it was just that he could not recognise it.

Plasedo frowned and said, "Say, boss, we had already paid for it, yet now you're asking for it back and saying that you no longer want to sell it? Do you think such actions are allowed in Spirit City? Do you think that you could just simply break the rules of Spirit City?"

Upon hearing that, the stall owner, who had been driven mad by the grand sum of money, instantly became came back to his senses a little. He looked at the jade token in Henry's hand then looked at Hanno.


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