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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 1507

"Kill my entire family?" Loyd burned with fury. "Well then, allow me to offer you a suggestion too. Change your surname, or I'll kill you."

"Oh?" Henry raised his eyebrows. "Well, what would you suggest me to change it to? I actually like the name of Syl Zhang, the surname, I like it too."

Syl Zhang!

Loyd's eyes widened with surprise. That name had long become a taboo for many. Anyone who had provoked Syl did not end up well at all. That was a known fact by the citizens of Wanshan District.

Loyd took a glance at his son. He never expected Hanno to have provoked Syl, the literal devil of Wanshan District!

Henry smiled and said, "Regarding the issue of changing my name, let's talk about it later. For now, let's first settle the matter at hand. Seeing that you aren't taking my suggestion into consideration, then there is no need for all of you to exist any longer."

Loyd gulped and showed a change of attitude, then said, "Lord Zhang, I don't understand why you're doing this."

"That's simple." Henry shrugged his shoulders. "Because none of you deserve the surname Zhang."

Loyd inhaled deeply, "That's too simple a reason, Lord Zhang, our Zhang family is the Martial King's..."

Before Loyd could finish, Henry waved his arm and said softly as soon as he heard the Martial King's name uttered, "Kill him."

Nine spirits appeared instantly in front of Loyd. Violent energy surged through the Zhang's villa. It took just a matter of minutes for the entire property of reek of blood. Having done that, Henry and others made their way back to their house in a leisurely fashion.

News about the massacre of the Zhang family spread across the entire city in just 10 minutes after the incident.

When the news arrived at the Martial King's mansion, the Martial King smashed a solid wooden table into pieces with fury.

Many had witnessed the incident in Spirit City. The Martial King and Syl faced each other. In the end, the Martial King managed to protect his men and rearranged for a battle with Syl, then left the scene. Just when everybody had thought that the matter was over, Syl and his gang went straight to the Zhang family's home and wiped out the entire family!

The actions of Syl and his gang delivered heavy blows to the Martial King's pride, they were basically trampling all over his dignity!

Such news would naturally reach Sylvia as well, and she also learned that they were just living next door through the news of the appearance of Henry and his gang in the main city.

Sylvia stood at the front of the courtyard of the villa she lived in and watched Henry and others return in good spirits, talking and laughing along the way. The leaders of the bandits in Wanshan District treated the main city as if it were their own garden, doing whatever they pleased with it.

Henry's gaze caught Sylvia, who was standing at the gates of the villa's courtyard.

Sylvia noticed Henry's gaze, but she did not dare to stay any longer because there were still soldiers nearby. She turned around and was about to go back into the house when she heard a whistle.


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