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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 152

Boy... boyfriend?

The staff's words unconsciously made Sylvia look at Henry.

Although they had got their marriage certificate and had taken wedding photos more than a month ago, they had a lukewarm relationship. Now that she was suddenly told that Henry was her boyfriend, Sylvia's heart beat faster, and even her nervousness, which was about to jump to the extreme, was suppressed.

"Come on, come on, you big man. Your girlfriend dares to jump, and you hide behind her. Come and hold her tight." The staff urged Henry to hug Sylvia.

Henry would definitely not refuse the idea of jumping together with Sylvia, so he ran forward happily.

Sylvia looked at Henry, who was in front of her and seemed a little cautious. "Well... didn't we buy two tickets? Can't we jump one by one?"

"No, you bought a couple's ticket. Stand still and let me adjust the equipment. Don't move." The staff put on the equipment for Sylvia and Henry.

The hot wind blew on the eighty-meter-high tower. Henry and Sylvia stood face to face on the edge of the platform, and under them was the rushing water of the lake.

"President Lin, are you ready to jump?" Henry stretched out his hands and put them on Sylvia's shoulders.

She looked down at her feet, took a deep breath, closed her eyes, nodded, and put her hands slowly on Henry's waist.

"Then let's jump." Henry held the woman in front of him in his arms with both hands, bent his legs, and jumped out.

Before jumping, some people might think of the feeling similar to birds flying in the sky.

In fact, it was only at the moment when she jumped that she realized that this was not the case.

When Sylvia felt that there was nothing under her feet, her mind went blank. She didn't think about anything, as if everything was away from her. All her worries and persistence seemed to be unimportant at the moment when she jumped down.

Sylvia unconsciously held Henry's waist with her small hands. When her body was completely weightless, she could feel that there were two strong big hands behind her, holding her and giving her a strong sense of security.

Sylvia blinked and opened her eyes. The moment she opened them, she saw Henry looking at her with a look of deep affection. At this moment, his eyes went straight into Sylvia's heart.

The strong wind was blowing towards their faces.

The two of them were about to fall into the lake when the rope pulled them back. The lake was getting farther and farther in Sylvia's vision. Her heart was in her mouth again. She closed her eyes subconsciously and buried her head in Henry's chest.

"Don't be afraid. I'm here."

When his voice reached Sylvia's ears, it was not low and magnetic, but in her mind, it seemed to be the most pleasant sound of nature. When you were most afraid, words like this could help you calm down.

Sylvia wanted to say something but found that she couldn't make a sound at all. She could only enjoy Henry's gentleness in silence.

After a few ups and downs, Sylvia's fear slowly disappeared. She suddenly felt that jumping was not so terrible. Now she opened her bright eyes and looked at the scenery around her. At this moment, she only had one feeling.



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