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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 1610

The three people who surrounded Henry all hid themselves behind black cloaks. Their voices were hoarse and gave off a powerful aura.

Each of them used a different kind of Qi. They had trapped Henry inside of their circle.

Henry didn't notice they were coming before it was too late. Only extremely powerful Qi practitioners could achieve that.

It didn't take long for Henry to figure out who they were. They were from the Elite Spirit Hall. Master Lu had told Henry in the hologram recording.

Seeing the three people who appeared around Henry, Adonias kept his smile on his face, but there was a hint of curiosity in his eyes.

Henry did not pay attention to the change in Adonias expression. His eyes ran among the three people.

Four of them stayed in silence for a couple of seconds. All of a sudden, Qi burst out violently. Four different colored Qi flew above Ensver City.

The three Qi charged toward the purple Qi as if they wanted to swallow the purple Qi.

"Brother Zhang, give me a holler if you need help,"

Adonias smiled at Henry and then disappeared.

Henry couldn't be distracted by Adonias. The attack from the three people was extremely fierce. When the overwhelming Qi force charged at Henry, the sky was covered by three different colors from the Qis. It was obvious that their powers exceeded which of a Supremacy Master. Although they hadn't shown their True Spirits, Henry was sure that their True Spirit would be taller than a hundred and twenty meters.

"Hand over the True Spirit token!" One of them said. The voice was deep and strong, and Henry's ears were ringing because of it.

The words brought a piece of useful news to Henry. At this moment, he knew that they hadn't got the lost True Spirit token.

Henry didn't plan on fighting them head-on. With the fully cultivated Demon Sword of Destruction, Henry stood a winning chance fighting them. However, judging by the situation at the moment, Henry didn't have the time to form the fully cultivated Demon Sword of Destruction. Even though it would only take a couple of seconds, many things could happen within this time. For great fighters like these three, one blink of an eye was enough to win a battle.

The forceful Qi was raging in the sky of the Ensver City. Orc's enormous bodies were rampaging the city. People inside the city were crying and screaming. Multiple forces were tearing the place apart, and the city fell into total chaos.

The Qi of the three people formed a big net, coming at Henry.

Henry wielded the purple Qi sword and slashed an opening on the net.

Henry tried to fly through the opening, but it closed right after. He was reckless that his shoulder was grazed by the net. Henry smelled smoke and saw that his clothes were burned, leaving a wound on his shoulder. He tried to quick-heal the wound by Qi but failed. At this moment, Henry knew just how powerful the net was. If he got caught, it would be difficult for him to escape.

The net shrank to the size of five meters. It charged at Henry fast.

The three people appeared out of the blue, and they had fully prepared to kill. Henry was caught off guard.

Watching the net closing in, Henry took a deep breath and shouted, "He has it!"

Henry pointed at Adonias, who was sitting on the shadow tiger far away.

The three people looked toward Adonias.

Adonias also heard Henry's shouting.


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