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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 1623

Seeing Henry's True Spirit, the woman looked jealous.

"Is this how it feels like to have a True Spirit?" Henry took a deep breath, enjoying the feeling. Henry then dissipated the Qi sword in his hand and waved his arm, and the True Spirit waved along with him.

Henry's True Spirit slapped off the murder of crows, and it slapped again toward the woman.

"Use gods' stuff to fight gods? In your dream!" The woman yelled. The black Qi rose again and turned into a monster claw. The claw darted toward Henry's True Spirit.

At this moment, Henry suddenly felt dizzy. A sense of fatigue came to Henry.

"The power is traded off with my own strength. The world is still fair." Henry smiled bitterly. He dissipated the True Spirit and then fought the woman with the Demon Sword of Destruction.

After the monster claw attack, the woman also felt the weakness. She didn't use any powerful move again.

They were at the prohibited area of the Mount. Kunlun. Without the distraction of other human beings, they fought with no holds barred. The woman used several strange moves, but Henry had no problems counterattacked all of them. The Demon Sword of Destruction was Silas' creation. It had no limit. As long as Henry was strong enough, the Demon Sword of Destruction could fend off any attack.

After dozen rounds, both of them were exhausted.

Henry had just recovered from a severe injury, and the woman was also hurt badly by Silas earlier. Both of them were pulling their best to fight each other.

At this moment, they each stood on a peak, staring at each other and panting.

"Zhang, you are lucky this time. But it won't happen again!" The woman shouted the words before leaving.

Just as the woman went away, a muscular man appeared. He knelt in front of Henry on one knee and said respectfully, "Master."

Henry squinted in the direction which the woman went and asked the man, "Raniero, can you tell how powerful the woman is?"

Raniero nodded. "Her Qi is weak, but her capacity is huge, similar as mine."

Henry was shocked. No wonder the woman acted arrogantly. She was almost as strong as Raniero.

Raniero's capacity was second to no one. At his peak moment, Raniero could use only one-tenth of his power to fight two Supremacy Masters at the same time. His power simply couldn't be measured.

With the Demon Sword of Destruction, Henry might be able to defeat ten Supremacy Masters. But if Henry only used one-tenth of his power, he was no way of defeating even one.

Henry shook his head and put the thought of the woman aside. He asked Raniero, "So they connected?"

"The Ancient Battlefield has brought the civilization of the earth's core to the surface ten days ago. War has broken out."


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