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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 1641

Henry's roar went straight into the sky, and his voice was so loud that everyone could hear it clearly.

At this moment, regardless of whether it was those who were relaxing, training, or resting, they all suddenly stood up and looked in the direction of the voice.

The people on the ancient battlefield knew very well what they were about to face. They had already made preparations and were waiting for this moment to come.

Henry's roar was full of momentum, which made everyone's heart beat violently.

"The Section Nine, assemble!" Gardiner waved a big flag.

"The Recluse Association, assemble!" Cleve was also brandishing a large flag.

"The Ding Family, assemble!" Seadya also waved a flag.

"The Alvin League, assemble!" Ranulfo also joined.

"NY Sanctuary, assemble!" The top forces that did not belong to Yan Xia also shook their flags.

One force after another roared, full of momentum. They had been fully prepared and were waiting for the arrival of this day.

Countless figures, no matter what they did last second, came here in order and stood in the middle of the team that belonged to them.

Behind every flag, more and more people were gathered. They stood there, not making a single sound. In their eyes, this was belief and determination.

These flags surrounded Henry, and Henry stood in the centre.

Henry looked around and his eyes scanned them one by one. Eighty per cent of the faces standing around him were especially young, even a few of them were particularly immature. They were the main force on the battlefield.

Henry flew up and stood in the air, taking a deep breath.

"Everyone, there is a saying in our Van Xia that the rise and fall of a country is the responsibility of a commoner! What we face now is a brand new race. They are strong and bloodthirsty. Compared to them, we are as small as children. But that doesn't mean that they can kill us at will. Now, all of us stand together and no one should retreat, and we will defeat them, which is our common

goal. From now on, no matter what kind of relationship you had before, no matter what happened between you, you are comrades- inarms, so you have to trust each other!"

"Everyone, what is standing behind you is not a glacier, but your family, your lovers. Everything you care about will become the most solid barrier in the world!"

"From now on, I will grant each and every one of you a unified identity, including me and your leaders. At this moment, all of our identities will only be: Warriors!"

"Everyone, the horn of war has been blowing, we have no way to retreat. Either we kill them all, or we will be killed by them. Now tell me what your choice is!"

At the moment when Henry's voice fell, there was a neat shout behind the flags.

"Kill them all!"

"Kill them all!"

"Kill them all!"

The shouts of war went straight to the sky. This was the cry of countless ordinary people.

Henry raised his hands, then gently pressed them down. At the moment when his hands were pressed down, the shouting and killing stopped in an instant.

Seeing this scene, Sylvia, who was standing below, smiled. This was her man, a man who made her proud. At this moment, Sylvia was more determined in her previous thoughts. This man should not belong to her alone. He belonged to the whole world! Watching the forces around her unite together like never before. Because of him, everything looked so smooth.


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