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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 1659


Upon hearing Henry's words, the couple looked at each other with a puzzled expression.

The man laughed suddenly and said, "Henry, what are you saying? Did I hear you correctly? You're telling us to run? How should we run? Where should we run to?"

"How interesting." There was an arrogant look on the woman's face. "There hasn't been anyone in this civilisation that could make us flee.'¹

Henry shook his head slightly. "Well, your chance is gone. You can't escape now."

Henry's confident reply angered the woman.

"Henry Zhang, just who do you think you are..."

"He's right. You two won't be escaping now." A feminine voice sounded, accompanied with laughter.

The couple's faces darkened when they heard the laughter. They had not even noticed that there was still someone else in that place. They looked in the direction of the laughter, and saw a white skeleton, clinging from the wall like a spider.

This strange skeleton brought upon a wave of fear in the hearts of the couple.

Faint green light emitted from the eye sockets of the skeleton, like ghost lights that could be seen in graveyards, bringing chills to those who saw them.

"Ah, humans from the Elite Spirit Hall, those are the good stuff." The skeleton spoke in a feminine and seductive voice.

This skeleton was the witch that had fled after Henry had destroyed her physical body.

"So you know about the Elite Spirit Hall." The man no longer paid attention to Henry and turned his gaze to the skeleton. "Since you know about the Elite Spirit Hall, you should give us the respect we deserve."

"Respect? Hah." The witch laughed in disdain. "You're just a group of spokesmen who love chasing after the buttocks of the gods. Don't talk to me about respect, couldn't you understand my words? I said that you are only food to me!"

"How insolent!" That woman was the first to get fired up. A light flickered in her hand, and she appeared right in front of the witch in a flash.

"Those who bring filth upon the gods shall be faced with death." The witch said disdainfully. The skeleton body of hers did not burden her in the slightest. Instead, she became more flexible and agile than ever.

As the woman lashed out with her attack, the skeleton disappeared before the woman, and was already behind the woman as it appeared again.

"What insane speed!" The woman cried out in surprise.

"Be careful, Sister." The man reminded her, and then joined in on the battle in a flash.

The witch possessed absolute power. She had suffered a great loss in the previous battle with Henry because she had triggered the dark side of Henry's emotions. In that state, Henry was an absolute monster, but he also had zero control. In addition to that, Henry was also wielding the Life Scythe. With those two factors, Henry was able to destroy the physical body of the witch.

At that moment, the witch was fighting the couple from the Elite Spirit Hall with ease. The three of them clashed back and forth in the weapon chamber.

"So this is what the younger generation of the Elite Spirit Hall are capable of? Crazy how you weaklings would even dare to kill this kid, if it weren't for the Ancestral Weapon that had handicapped him, the both of you would definitely be nothing more than two lifeless bodies by now. Yet, you'd dare to still be so arrogant." The witch said disdainfully, her bony claws charged at the both of them.

This couple also noticed how powerful the witch was. They did not reply to the words of the witch, both of them completely focused on their attacks.

Two true spirits emerged, but similar to when they were in the caves, the size of the spirits were compressed and was similar in size of a regular human.


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