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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 1664

Gaspare and the person from the Taoist Jade Virtual appeared before the orcs. All three of them had their own goals.

Adonias wanted nothing more than to crush the enemies forces, slaughtering all the way to the Surface, and find Laily.

Gaspare, on the other hand, wanted the Token of True Spirits, and Henry's life.

The person from the Taoist Jade Virtual was on the same page with Gaspare on that, they both wanted Henry's life.

The three parties got together instantly.

The Taoist Jade Virtual announced that they could dominate the situation on the battlefield and create an opening for the orc army, but the orcs had to promise to never interfere with the Taoist Jade Virtual even if they had completely conquered the Core.

Adonias agreed immediately to such a request. It was impossible for him to find a reason to reject it at that moment.

"The Elite Spirit Hall doesn't want anything other than the life of Henry Zhang and the Token of True Spirits in his possession. How much havoc your orcs wreak has nothing to do with us!" Gaspare said.

"Very well. The orcs shall always see the Elite Spirit Hall and Taoist Jade Virtual as friends, hahaha!" Adonias roared with laughter.

The three parties came to an agreement within the camp of the orcs.

Meanwhile, in the ancient battlefield.

The humans occupied the high grounds, which meant that they could no longer withdraw from the ancient battlefield to rest like they used to be able to, and had to endure the suppression of energy within the ancient battlefield, tiny cuts could appear on their hands and faces at any time. However, they had gotten used to situations like that.

The fog in the ancient battlefield was thinning in time. Raniero announced that was a sign that the rules of the ancient battlefield were almost complete. If his predictions were right, the fog would disappear in five hours.

Raniero announced the estimated time that the fog would disappear. However, he was also hinting the fact that the orcs would launch another attack within those five hours. After all, it would be much easier for the orcs to break through the defences of the humans when the fog was still present.

The huge barrier between the orcs and the human army had already shrunk quite a bit. It had already exceeded 8 ran ley's capability for holding it for such long periods of time. He sat cross-legged with his eyes closed and his face pale. His back was already drenched in sweat, large beads of sweat trickled down his face, it seemed as if Branley would topple at any given moment.

"Everybody, brace yourselves for the next battle." Gardiner got up and looked at the wall that had turned much smaller than before.

The soldiers who were resting got up and got into formation. They were ready to pick up their weapons and swing them at the enemy any time.

"This war." Gardiner said, "I don't know when will be the end of this."

"Chief." Seadya Ding, the Master of the Ding Family, came to Gardiner and said, "We don't know when this war will come to an end, but we only know this one thing. Everybody, say it to our Chief!"

Seadya's voice boomed across the army of men, and the entire army within the battlefield responded in unison.

"For each day those bandits exist, we shall stay away from our homeland!"

It was just a few simple words, but they represented a firm belief and the determination to fight till death.

Gardiner suddenly burst into loud, hearty laughter.

"Hahaha! Hahahaha! Wonderful! Let's build the greatest wall of defence. That way, I will have something to brag about when I grow old. I can say that I was once a saviour of the world. Yeah, let's f*ck them, brothers! For each day those bandits exist, we shall stay away from our homeland!"


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