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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 167

Henry's reaction obviously exceeded most people's expectations. Even Sylvia did not expect that Henry would accept Nick's challenge easily.

The feeling that someone stood out for her made Sylvia feel so sweet but also worried.

"Haha, brave enough." Nick gave Henry a thumbs-up. "I won't bully you. You are not even qualified to be in this elite club. Remember, a person’s destiny had been decided upon his birth. But, since you are here today, why don't we just do outdoor sports? You can’t only rely on pretty face in this men’s world!"

After Nick's words, Carl showed a trace of embarrassment on his face.

Sylvia gently pulled Henry's sleeve and shook her head at Henry.

As the son of the top leader of the military in Ning Province, Nick was once under military training for a long time. It was known that he was sent to the Special Warfare Brigade by his father and trained for a whole year. His physical abilities were far beyond ordinary people.

As for Han, although he had never received training like Nick, as a member of this private club, he also had a lot of achievements in the outdoor sports.

How about Henry?

He was wearing a suit and no one could see anything except for his straight figure.

Moreover, anyone who came to this party in a suit was obviously not the kind of person who liked outdoor sports.

Henry squeezed Sylvia's little hand hard. "It's all right."

Henry turned his head and nodded to Nick. "If you want to play outdoors, I'm in."

"Okay!" Nick shouted. "But there's something you have to know. You and Sylvia are not in the same world at all. This is not the place for you."

"Cut the crap." Henry waved his hand impatiently. "What do you want to play? Say it yourself."

Seeing Henry's arrogant look, Nick was just about to speak when he was interrupted by Han's voice. " Rock climbing without a safety rope!"

"Free Rope Rock Climbing!"

"It's too risky!"

As soon as Han's voice fell, there was a burst of exclamation around.

From the literal meaning, everyone knew how dangerous this was.

Climbing had always been a high-adrenaline exercise. Even if one were tied to a safety rope and lying on a cliff, it would still make his legs tremble.

The climbing path of this club was based on a mountain path, and it was only adjusted a little. After climbing to a height of thirty meters, it was no different from a regular mountain. What was more, the surface was vertical and flat!

Without safety rope, it meant that if a person was not careful, he could slip and get smashed to pieces!

Han's mouth curved into a sinister smile. "Kid, what do you say? Do you dare to accept it?"

"Han is going to force that brat to his death!"

"That's right. Free rope rock climbing. If this kid wants to die, he should accept it."

"In my opinion, he won't accept it."

"Isn't he a son-in-law just for money? People like him do not have any backbone or dignity. How can he be willing to risk his life?"


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