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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 1670

Several young figures walked out of the woods. They were all dressed in the attire of the Elite Spirit Hall.

These young people from the Elite Spirit Hall, all looked at Sylvia with playful expressions. To them, she was a prey that was already within their grasps.

Sylvia scanned her surroundings and held the weapon tightly in her hand. The aurora lights shone from her body once more.

Meanwhile, in the main battlefield, the human army was completely at a disadvantage. The humans were completely crushed by the orcs, the human's formation had been pulled apart. It was impossible for them to provide each other with support.

If viewed from the sky, it could be seen that the human army was being devoured bit by bit by the orc army.

Gardiner killed ferociously, but the person he truly desired to kill, Carmeli, was still hiding within the army of orcs, with an arrogant smile written across his face.

The massive army of orcs before him had created an insurmountable gap between Carmeli and Gardiner.

Countless bodies were piled on the ground, blood flowed across the ground like a river.

A figure tumbled onto the ground beside Gardiner. It was Ranulfo.

Ranulfo was wounded all over, A gaping wound was seen on his chest, it was so deep that the bone was visible. It was this wound that injured him severely.

Ranulfo's hands trembled. It was a sign of exhaustion.

"It looks like we are going to lose this one." Ranulfo struggled to pick himself off the ground. Picking up a weapon even seemed to be extremely difficult for him.

"I will kill that scum, even if we lose this war!" Carmeli was the only thing in Gardiner's sight.

"I agree." Ranulfo clamped his blade in the crook of his elbow and wiped the blood off it. "We can lose, but we can't leave that scum alive!"

"Let's go!" Gardiner yelled. He charged at the orc army once more, bearing every bit of pain in his body.

"Hah, I was not expecting myself to have to go all out in the end. You must never tell anyone else about this. It'll be so embarrassing if people knew that the leader of the Alvin League had to take it to such extents." Ranulfo said self-deprecatingly. He lifted his sword and followed behind Gardiner.

All of the humans knew that there was no backing down. They all fought on with every ounce of life they had within them.

"The spirit of the Ding family lives on, even after death!" Seadya roared. He hacked off the head of an orc, but his head was smashed to bits in the next second.

"Master!" The Ding family roared when they witnessed that.

"I'll kill all of you!" Takoda's eyes burned with rage and hacked at the orcs continuously, but was delivered a heavy punch in the stomach by an orc, resulting in him flying backwards with several broken ribs.

Countless black masks fell to the ground. The Reaper emerged silently, and even died silently. It was as though they truly arrived from hell, and had never existed in this world. No one knew of their true identities beneath the masks. All of their actions were only for the sake of Radiant Island!

The Colver Family, the Qin Family, the Zhu Family, the Ji Family, the Bai Family, the Jiang Family...

The members of these ancient martial families decreased rapidly in number.

Casualties were nothing more than a number in a war.

"We can't hold them off any longer!" Someone roared.

"Hang on in there, we have to keep holding them off even if it costs us our lives. Behind our defences lie our families, our wives and children. We can't let these monsters enter our world!"

"Yes, let's go all out!"

"So what if we all die?"


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