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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 1683

The sky above the Taoist Jade Virtual Mountain was originally clear as day, but at that moment, dark clouds rolled across it.

The illusion of the bell was right behind Henry.

Henry's eyes were filled with murderous intent as he held the divine sword in his hand.

"Henry!" A loud shout sounded, Henry turned and noticed Gardiner had arrived.

Behind Gardiner was Ranulfo.

The two men approached Henry.

Henry glanced at Gardiner and Ranulfo, then said, "You two can't stop me this time."

"Stop you? Are you kidding?" Gardiner smiled widely. He put a cigarette at his lips and lit it up. After taking a deep breath, he said, "Why should I stop you? I'm with you this time."

"Hmm?" Ranulfo looked at Gardiner with a surprised look.

"What? You weren't expecting that?" Gardiner looked at Ranulfo proudly. "All of our brothers fought with all of their lives on the battlefield. However, these old bastards never took the lives of our brothers seriously. They betrayed their comrades for their own glory. They deserve to be killed! At the end of the day, it is the power from the Taoist Jade Virtual Temple that gives them the confidence to do all of that. If this place is destroyed, there shall be a lot lesser of bastards like them in the world!"

When Gardiner spoke, he kept taking drags of his cigarette. It was visible that he was trying to calm himself down. Every time he thought of that, it would light a blaze in his heart!

Everyone fought with their lives on the line, yet the people from the Taoist Jade Virtual Temples manipulated the valiant soldiers on the battlefield in the name of protecting their homeland.

Dying was not terrifying on the battlefield!

What was terrifying was that the Taoist Jade Virtual used the courage of the soldiers to achieve their own selfish desires. Gardiner could not tolerate that!

Ranulfo looked to temple on the tallest mountain and said, "You should know what the existence of this place means in the world, right?"

"So what?" Gardiner threw the remaining half of the cigarette in his hand onto the ground. "What bullsh*t sacred island? What bullsh*t path of Tao? What bullsh*t origin of Guwu?" "Don't forget that your master is also a member of the Taoist Jade Virtual." Ranulfo reminded him.

"So what if he is?" Gardiner put out the cigarette with his foot. "Today, I shall disobey my master and destroy his entire family. How about that?"

Gardiner pulled his hand back, and the Great Dragon's Mace behind him was instantly in his hand, humming slightly.

Ranulfo chuckled and said, "Looks like I have always underestimated you."

"Exactly!" Gardiner raised his head. "Every drop of blood in me is burning right now. Come on, let's see what's so special about this so-called sacred land of Guwu!"

"Very well." Henry nodded. He raised his palm, and the illusion of the bell behind him shot up directly into the sky and focused its aim.

Henry glanced at Gardiner and simply said, "Ring it."


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