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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 169

After a few ups and downs, Henry came down from the mountain and returned to the climbing point.

The way everyone looks at Henry has changed. They no longer looked down on him. Some people who had a good relationship with Han even showed gratitude in their eyes. They understood that if Henry had not suddenly taken action, Han would have been dead.

Henry patted off the dust on his suits and walked to Sylvia at a brisk pace. He inserted the rose he had just taken into Sylvia's head.

"So cheesy," Sylvia grumbled and rolled her eyes, but let Henry insert this rose into her hair.

"This is the Immortality Flower!" Someone recognized the rose. "It grows on a cliff close to the top of the mountain! He just took it off that easily!"

"Been to the top of the mountain?"

"That's impossible, isn't it?"

"How could he climb to the top of the mountain with bare hands in such a short period of time?"

Some people who liked to climb the mountain had a kind of incredible look in their eyes. In the dark, how could he reach the top of the mountain in such a short period of time with bare hands and no safety equipment? Unbelievable!

But no matter whether they believed or not, the Immortality Flower was the proof.

At this time, Han had landed safely. His expression was very complicated, and he was no longer as arrogant as before. Some people came forward to comfort him, but he pushed them away and he strode to Henry.

"I have lost. You are very strong. Your strength is beyond imagination. Besides, thank you for saving my life."

Henry smiled. Without saying a word, he took the initiative to reach out his right hand to him.

Han was stunned for two seconds. He also reached out his right hand and grinned.

Seeing this scene, Nick's face was particularly ugly. He really did not expect that this boy, who lived as a son-in-law, had such powerful skills. He frowned and was thinking about how to deal with Henry. But Henry walked toward Nick first.

"Master Ning, how about you? It's your turn, isn't it?"

"Are you taking the initiative to provoke me?" Nick lifted his eyebrows, and there was a wave of indescribable anger in his tone.

"Isn't it obvious enough?" Henry asked back, "Nick Ning, tell me, what do you want to play?"

"Okay, since you want to play, I’m all in." Nick laughed hideously. "Racing? Are you in?"

"Fine by me." Henry showed a careless look.

In this club, there was a track that was 21 kilometers long with a lot of sharp curves. On this track, the best record was 10 minutes 7 seconds. It was said that it was recorded by a professional racer. He said that if it were not for the special transformation of the F1 car, no one could finish this track under 10 minutes.


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