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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 1692

The voice of the Taoist resounded throughout the entire Taoist Jade Virtual Mountain.

"So what? We've lived for so many years, and we've only been waiting for this day to come. Now that the time has come, it's better to let everything come to an end sooner than to keep waiting."

A figure gradually appeared next to the sceptre. It was none other than the Taoist still in his twenties. He had a jade-like face, but the clothes on his body were no longer sackcloths. Instead, he was dressed in a brocade robe. The moment he grabbed hold of the sceptre, it was instantly reduced to a mere 1.2 metres long and was easily held in his hand.

The Taoist looked at the sceptre in his hand, and his eyes were full of infatuation. "I have been guarding it for countless years. This sceptre is a divine object that can change all the patterns. At the same time, most of my power is used to suppress the sceptre. Now, my power belongs to me. It's time to return!"

The Taoist took a deep breath. At this moment, white light emitted from his body and spread around.

"Taoist, put the sceptre back!" With a roar, Ranulfo charged at the Taoist with sabre in hand.

"Let's deal with that one." Gardiner knew that this battle was inevitable. He shouted at Henry and then rushed to Bone Demon. "About the sceptre, I will explain it to you later!"

Henry nodded and rushed to Bone Demon.

The white light from the body of the Taoist also spread to the body of Bone Demon. The white and blood lights appeared on the body of Bone Demon at the same time, which was particularly strange.

"Taoist, you should have done this a long time ago." On Bone Demon's face, there was a look of enjoyment. He took a deep breath and said, "Come on, let's have a good fight!"

On the green Taoist Jade Virtual Mountain, there were still fog-shrouded clouds. No one knew what was happening within the fog.

In the centre of the Death Sea, countless huge rocks fell from the sky and landed on the surface of the sea.

At the same time, within the waters of the Death Sea, the ever- present fog was gradually dispersing.

On this day, some sailors saw many strange signs on the surface of the sea. Some said that they saw monstrous waves on the surface of the sea, some said that they saw tornados, and others saw the dark clouds rolling down from the sky and mixing with the surface of the sea.

All sorts of explanations appeared on this day.

This was not only the case within the Death Sea. In fact, on this day, strange things had happened throughout the entire world. All the organizations from various countries had sent people to the place where strange phenomena had taken place. After the ancient battlefield, these people all understood how miraculous this world was.

Ordinary people still lived ordinary life. The news of the ancient battlefield spread out, but soon it disappeared completely. For everyone, it seemed that nothing had changed. However, the posters of those martial arts masters did replace the posters of the stars.

In Taoist Jade Virtual Mountain, the phenomenon of heaven and earth appeared frequently. Thunder and lightning flashed, the wind blew, the dark clouds surged, and the thick fog filled the air. The purple sword light, the black Death Qi, the white light, the bloody light, and the light blue sabre shadow of the Autumn Saber appeared frequently. Faintly, the body of the black dragon emerged.

In the endless sea, the tornado brought people a strong sense of fear. No one dared to go out to sea on that day, even a huge cruise ship could only obediently dock on the shore, waiting for the sea to calm down.

Such a strange phenomenon lasted for a whole night. On the second day, at dawn, people saw that on the surface of the sea, countless fish were turning their stomachs and floating on the top. In addition to these dead fish, the surface of the sea was calm. Warm sunshine fell from the sky, quiet and peaceful as if what had happened last night was just a dream.

In the port, those ships that had delayed their journey because of the strange scene had set off again.

On the deck, the sailor was talking to his first deputy about what had happened the night before.


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