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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 17

When Henry saw this news, a smile naturally appeared on his face. This woman's action was quite fast. In this way, the development of the area near Spring Residential Home could no longer get the official support, and the welfare center would not be forcibly demolished by the official. Not only could the children continue to live in it, but the land bought by those profiteers would also get a lot cheaper.

Sylvia leaned back on the sofa, her slender legs stretched out, her eyes were looking at the news, and she was talking to herself, "This Hengyuan Company is really powerful. They got the idea to blow up the mountain and take advantage of the high-level officials in China to get the official support from the Yinzhou officials! That woman surnamed Qin, she absolutely did not think of this point. Behind her, there must be at least a group of ten people. They even noticed the news from other provinces a few years ago. Smart! Really smart!"

Hearing Sylvia's words, Henry was a little embarrassed. "In fact, I think it's not difficult. It's okay to watch out for these things in the news. As for blowing up the mountain, everyone is looking forward to it. At that time, the trade will be smooth and the traffic will be too convenient. Even the high-speed train can be connected."

"What do you know?" Sylvia glanced at Henry. "You can only see the benefits after the mountain exploding, but you can't see the subtlety of this decision. Some time ago, Hong Zhu's business had just taken down the two territories in the southeast and wanted to develop a holiday resort. Now that the mountain has been blown up, the development of the southeast of the city will be put down by the government for the time being. By that time, Heng Yuan will not only get the strong support of the government in the first trading company in Yinzhou but also become exclusive to the northwest. Territory bought by Hong Zhu and the new shares will fall wildly!"

After saying that, Sylvia looked at Henry who was in no mood. The reason why she said so much to him just now was to let him get in touch with this kind of thing, but now it seemed that he had no idea at all.

Sylvia waved at Henry and said with a displeased face, "Forget it, go and do your own work. Don't stop me from watching TV."

"Okay." Henry nodded. He had already thought of all the results of the news report when he told Jenny Qin his plan this morning.

After unpacking, Milan put on a pink short-sleeved shirt, sat down next to Sylvia, and watched TV with her, chatting about cosmetics and bags.

Henry, who was wearing a white tank top, came over with a basin of warm water and put it in front of Sylvia. Then he squatted down and said, "Sylvia, it's time to wash your feet."

" Wash feet? Sylvia, Henry also washes your feet?" Milan's eyes widened as if she had seen something incredible. In this society, it was rare for men to do so for their wives. And Henry seemed to be doing this every day.

Sylvia frowned. "Not today."

"No." Henry shook his head firmly. "You must wash them. Your health issues need acupuncture massage several times to be completely relieved."

Hearing this, Sylvia's pretty face turned red and her expression was a little unnatural. She thought that she had not suffered from constipation these days and looked at the man in front of her.

This guy must know this!

When Sylvia was slightly stunned, Henry had already taken the initiative to grab her little feet and put them in the basin. After gently soaking them, he began to massage them slowly.

The feeling of comfort came from the soles of Sylvia's feet. She unconsciously relaxed on the sofa. But as soon as she leaned on it, she felt a little uncomfortable.

Two days ago, she and Henry stayed alone at home. Now there was one more person beside her, which made her uncomfortable.


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