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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 1771

The Human Friars were extremely excited.

They had been oppressed by the Divine Race for a long time. Finally, someone stepped out for their justice. It brought tears to all the Human Friars.

"Young man, you're too arrogant!"

"When did a Human Friar become so overbearing?"

"If you want to die, I'll fulfill your wish!"

"Do you really think that Divine Race doesn't have good fighters anymore?"

Four people appeared from the sky in different directions. They faced Henry.

They were the elders of the Divine Race. By the looks of their Divine Phenomenon, they had all reached the Divine Bridge level.

After Henry killed one Divine Bridge master, the Divine Race sent out another four! "And you think that the Human Race doesn't have capable fighters?"

With a sneer, Aureo appeared near Henry.

"Haha, are your kids too scared to show up? So the elders have to do the job for them?

It's okay. Your Lord Meatball will take you all!" Ranjeet also came to Henry's side.

The Human Friars saw that two masters from the Heavenly List showed no sign of fear facing four Divine Bridge masters of the Divine Race, and they burst out into cheers.

Even at a similar age, many younger divine beings were still trying to reach the Divine Sea. Yet, Aureo and Ranjeet were already posed as proper opponents to the Divine Bridge masters. The conceited young divine beings kept their mouths shut, but deep down, they knew that they were no match to Aureo and Ranjeet.

"Haha, I'm impressed by so many talented young people. But killing human beings does give me the kick."

"That's right. Let's kill them."

The four elders of the Divine Race looked at each other and said.

"Kill us? Just you four?"

Aureo waved his hand, and several light swords appeared behind him.

Ranjeet put his hands together in prayer.


And his kasaya was blown up.

"Goto hell!"

The four elders of the Divine Race attacked at the same time, and a sun appeared in the sky, shining golden light.

At this moment, the ground outside Dragon City was shaking.

Ranjeet and Aureo showed no fear. They were ready to fight back.

"That's my business."

Henry stepped forward and stood in front of Aureo and Ranjeet. He punched out again.

Henry's punch was as fierce as the attack of the four elders of the Divine Race, and their attack was dismantled.

The four elders of the Divine Race were blown away, blood coming out of their mouths.

Henry's attack won another wave of exclamation.

He wasn't only want to injure them. Light started to brighten up behind Henry, and then it beamed out toward the four elders of the Divine Race.

Their bodies were dismembered instantly.

The fight ended before it even started.

The shaking of the ground outside was the only evidence that the fight even took place.

Everyone, inside of the city or out, was stunned again.

Henry kept his promise that he would kill anyone who dared to challenge his words. At this moment, he was floating in the sky in silence.

Cheers burst out in Dragon City.

"I've told you. I'll kill whoever intervenes in the battles of the younger generation!"

Henry spoke again.

He was going to keep the battles fair for the Human Race! Aureo and Ranjeet looked at each other and nodded. They then return to the city because they knew that from then on, their only job was to prepare for the challenge from the Divine Race.


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