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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 1825

Although the current Henry had comprehended the 3,000 Paths, he had only gone as far as comprehending them, he still needed to work on improving his use of them, and then master them, and finally master them thoroughly enough to use them with complete flexibility. Henry was still miles away fro achieving that. If he could really master the 3,000 Paths thoroughly, Henry might be able to ascend through all stages instantly and become a saint.

From the ancient times up to that very day, Henry was the only one who had successfully comprehended the 3,000 Paths. It was unknown just how much benefit this could bring him, but it was certain that if Henry did not die, he would definitely stand at the very top of the world.

However, geniuses were not necessarily strong.

The biggest difference between geniuses and champions was that champions were already geniuses that had risen, and geniuses could only represent talent. There were too many geniuses who had died too soon in the world.

Henry did not answer the palace master. His mind was only fixed on wanting to uncover his own divine power within those fifteen days. Otherwise, he would not be able to fight against the enemy who was at the Late-stage of the Divine Cloud. Fighting one level lower than the enemy was also not Henry's choice to make. After all, he was not at the Divine Cloud at all, if he had directly said that he wanted to fight the enemy at the Divine Shore, it would very likely raise suspicions. That was something that was out of Henry's control. He could only try his best to close the gap between the two levels.

Henry had already thought it through. He did not have to win, but he could not lose! At that moment, Henry opened up his phenomenon. The phenomenon behind Henry was only the Divine Sea, and the phenomenon behind Henry was extraordinarily magnificent.

Above the chaotic Divine Sea, was a chaotic Green Sacred Lotus suppressing it. On the Divine Bridge, countless magical beasts were walking on it. The Divine Bridge was the incarnation of the 3,000 Paths. As the beasts walked on the bridge, even those they were undergoing constant change, and were experiencing the Great Way, gaining benefits from it, and evolving.

After crossing the bridge, the magical beasts began evolving. There was a Golden Crow that grew a third foot as soon as it crossed the bridge. According to the legends, the Three- legged Golden Crow represented the sun! On Henry's Divine Shore, a black dragon hovered in the air, it was 130 meters long, had five claws, and surrounded a colourful Divine Pearl. The Divine Pearl spun in the air, radiating light that illuminated the entire Divine Shore. On the Divine Shore, a Black Dragon Range would constantly absorb spiritual energy and the Heaven's Luck. The thirteen-story tall pagoda stood tall and black, constantly emanating a terrifying aura, as if a powerful being would be awakened within it any time.

The most horrifying existence was the two silhouettes sitting cross- legged on the Black Dragon Range. One of the silhouettes was black, and the other was an earthy yellow. They were the incarnation of the Ancient Willpower, the black figure was the one that Henry had used back then.

The Ancient Willpowers could be differentiated by their colours.

The black figure was the Will of Space. In the legends, the one who had mastered the Will of Space was called Dijiang! And the earth-yellow figure was none other than the Will of Earth, and the name of the legendary being was Houtu.

The two figures were just sitting there, but they gave off an aura that made people feel that they could destroy the world at any given time.

That was all within Henry's phenomenon. It was horrible! Even the master of the palace could not help but sigh with envy, he had never seen such a powerful and extravagant phenomenon before.

The endless chaotic Divine Sea, a Green Sacred Lotus, the 3,000 Paths Divine Bridge, tens of thousands of magical beasts, and two Ancient Willpowers, all of which were simply horrific! However, Henry did not feel much about that. It was not because he was not aware of how powerful his own phenomenon was, but rather that he had seen other phenomenons that were much more powerful.

The Demon God in Fidello's phenomenon, that was something truly frightening. The power of the chain that bound the Demon God could be compared with the Heavens. Compared to his father's, his own phenomenon was nothing.

Henry expanded his own phenomenon in hopes that the palace master would help to think of how Henry could develop his divine power.

"The so-called divine power is the combination of nature and the elements. It appears very naturally in your mind like the inheritance of blood. Your phenomenon is too extravagant. All of your levels and traits have been trained to perfection. I'm afraid that it won't be an ordinary divine power. The more terrifying the divine power is, the later it would be revealed. No one can do anything about it."

The palace master answered.


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