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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 1843

Holy City was originally a place where one could stand aloof from worldly affairs. Due to its close relationship with Fidello, the Divine Race did not dare to provoke it, nor did the human race dare to touch it.

Surrounded by towering city walls, the city was peaceful and lively. In the past, this place was not open to the public, but today, a couple in Holy City would get married and they invited guests from all over the world. People from Orastin Island, as well as those from the contemporary world, all came here.

The wedding of Wade from Radiant Island was the top priority for the underground world in the present world. Numerous forces came to show their respect. After all, Wade was not only one of the 10 lords of Radiant Island, but also one of the Temple Guardians, so his identity was not simple.

In the centre of Holy City, there was a castle. The castle was beautiful and filled with flowers. The entire Holy City was filled with a peaceful atmosphere.

However, a small number of people knew that this peace was only on the surface. Under the surface, this place was filled with endless killing intent.

In front of the ancient castle of Holy City, Future was facing a drawing in a daze.

"How's the preparation going?"

Moon Goddess appeared behind Future.

Future nodded. "There shouldn't be any accidents, but I have a bad feeling."

Moon Goddess took a deep breath. "This time, the enemies we are facing are very strong. I'm afraid that the Divine Race and the Severity Tribe will all interfere. Now, I hope that Cesia will be able to activate the formation array left behind by Uncle Zhang."


Future nodded.

This time, everyone was using Wade's wedding as an opportunity. It was not that they did not have any plans. In Holy City, it was not a legend that there was a formation left by Fidello. It was just that the formation was not carved in Holy City, but in the Noble Berserkers in the centre of the earth.

Sea God, whose bald head was shining brightly, appeared. "Cesia has been walking around for so long. I don't know how she is doing."

As they were talking, the silver- haired figure appeared in front of the castle. It was precisely Cesia.

At this moment, Cesia's face was filled with fatigue. However, there was joy between her eyebrows, letting Future and others know that this trip of Cesia's was a success.

"Future, let Wade prepare things. There is only one day left. It's very urgent."

As soon as Cesia appeared, she said directly.


Future immediately turned around and went to make arrangements.

In the main hall of the castle, Red Hair and Alex were welcoming guests. All of them were their old friends, such as the Zhu family, the Yue family, and the three big families from the capital.

"Is there anything to eat? Is there anything to eat?"

Before Ranjeet arrived, they had already heard him.

"Ranjeet, if you want to talk about eating, my big brother Buster can eat a pig in one bite!"

Torrence Dantai, who came from the Seven Tribe of the Divine Race, immediately went to stand beside him.

"My eldest brother, Henry Zhang, can eat a cow with one bite!"

Ranjeet unwilling to admit defeat.

From the day the Heavenly List appeared, Ranjeet conversation with Torrence seemed to have become like this. Many people were already used to the constant ramblings.

"My eldest brother, Buster, can eat an elephant in one bite!"

Ranjeet stamped his feet and said, "My big brother Henry can eat 10 kilograms of muck in one bite!"


Torrence had no idea what muck meant, but he was sure that his elder brother would not lose.


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