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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 188

"Shame?" After listening to Henry's words, Milan wished that she could hit him.

Did I think too much?

"Do you have any unpleasant feelings near your wound now?" Henry looked at Milan and asked.

Milan shook her head and replied, "No, except for the itchiness."

"Hold out your left hand and try to see if it hurts," Henry said, gesturing for her to change a pose.

Milan moved to imitate Henry's pose and said. "It doesn't hurt."

Henry nodded and said, "Then it's almost all right. I used the decomposable stitches to sew it for you so no need to take them off, you can be discharged now. I'll go get through the formalities for you, and you can pack up your things."

"That’s it...?" Milan looked at Henry in surprise and asked, "Are you done?"

"What?" Henry asked with a strange look on his face. "What do you think I'm going to do?"

"I..." Milan opened her mouth and her expression changed. "Never mind. Hurry up and get through the formalities!"

"Haha!" Henry laughed. He had never seen Milan act this way. It was interesting to tease her.

She didn't take many things when she was hospitalized. Most of them were brought here by Sylvia and Henry these days. Henry drove back home with Milan.

In the car, Milan looked at the scenery on both sides of the road and sighed. " Alas, I can't be sick. The things I wanted to see the most when I was in the hospital are these things that I don't usually care about."

Henry laughed out loud and said, "All right, you've been drinking soup these days. You must be hungry. What do you want to eat?"

"Definitely starving! I want braised pork, ribs, spicy fish, all of them must be delicious!" With a heroic look on her face, Milan wished she could have alcohol.

"Okay." Henry waved his hand. "Let’s go and buy food. When Sylvia comes back, we'll have a feast."

When he got home, Henry was surprised to see Anna standing in the yard, which made him feel a little strange. Anna usually stayed close to Sylvia.

When Anna saw Henry coming back, she said, "Mr. Zhang, President Lin asked me to come back and said you need help."


Henry looked at the things in the car and shook his head. Since he was framed by Nick last time, Sylvia was more and more concerned about him. He just packed up the things and brought back from the hospital but she specially asked Anna to come back to help.

Just as Henry was about to talk to Anna, a cold light suddenly appeared.

Henry's expression changed. He threw himself at Milan beside him and pressed her under his body. The feeling of fullness was particularly obvious, but Henry had no time to pay attention to it at this time. He shouted softly, "Anna!"

As soon as Henry pounced on Milan, Anna hid behind the car. There was a shining dagger in the place where the three of them had just stood.

Anna looked around and said in a low voice, "On the left." Her whole body was like a cheetah, bowing and ready to exert strength at any time.

When Anna was about to jump out, Henry's voice came to her ears. "Protect Milan."

Then, Anna saw Henry climb up from the ground and jump out at an extremely fast speed. Looking at Henry's movements, Anna's eyes became serious. In daily life, she had seen Henry standing in the yard and punching at the big tree, but Anna only thought that Henry was doing some ordinary fitness.

But now, she didn't think so.

Just by looking at Henry, Anna was sure that Henry's speed could not be compared with hers at all. Too fast!

A cold light came again. Henry slightly leaned to one side and stretched out two fingers of his right hand. The next second, the cold light was held in his hand. It was also a shining dagger carved with a flower on the handle.


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