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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 1892

Henry had tried to reach the ceiling of the earth's core before but was pushed back by an unknown force. He also vaguely saw white stone pillars behind the cloud.

Henry hadn't had the power he had at this moment, so he couldn't figure out everything clearly.

But at this moment, Henry was powerful enough to know everything hidden in every corner.

Gardiner and Adonias followed Henry.

The higher they went, the more Gardiner and Adonias could feel the resistance force. Since their power was also improved significantly, the resistance force didn't affect them too much.

Soon after, Henry reached the cloud. He saw the white stone pillar behind the cloud again.

Henry didn't back down because of the resistance force. He floated in front of the cloud and shouted, "Divine Emperor, should you come out yourself or should I force you out?"

"Divine Emperor?"

Gardiner was puzzled. "Hasn't the Divine Emperor died long ago in the battle of the Luster City?"

"Haha, you need to ask him about that."

Henry smiled. He said facing the cloud, "Divine Emperor, I don't know which Divine Race is supporting you right now. But no matter how powerful they are, they belong to the outside of the Gate of Heaven. They can't set foot inside of the gate. You simulated the rules inside of the gate and the evolution of the stars, do you really think you can enter the Gate of Heaven one day?"

All of a sudden, a wild wind blew the cloud open.

Henry and the other two people finally saw what was really behind the cloud. There was a glamorous palace! The palace looked like something out of a fairy tale. The white stone pillar Henry saw was the pillar of the front gate. The character south was written above the gate.

A woman covered in sheer and walked over on the cloud. "How audacious are you to shout unrespectfully in front of the South Gate!"


Adonias was stunned. The woman was the one he had been looking for, Daily Gu.

Adonias rushed toward Daily.

"How dare you break into the South Gate?


shouted Daily.

Countless soldiers in golden armor rushed out of the gate to kill Adonias.

Each of the soldiers was an excellent fighter. One less capable soldier came to fight Adonias, and it was a tie. Adonias was worried. Could they be the soldiers of Heaven?

A ball of flame appeared in Henry's palm. He sneered and said, "Child play!

Reveal yourself!"

Henry pointed his finger, and the flame turned into a dragon, charging toward the gate.

The soldiers in golden armor caught on flames the moment the fire dragon was close to them. What strange was that none of the soldiers screamed in pain. There was no expression changed on their face.

"It's only illusion."

Henry looked at the raging fire that got inside of the South Gate. He shouted, "Adonias, come back."

The fire spread to Laily. Without any hesitation, Laily turned around and fled.

Henry ignored Laily. He kept shouting toward the palace, "Divine Emperor, do you really want to wait until I burn down your illusion?" "Henry, I have no rivalry with you. Why do you have

to push me?"

The voice of the Divine Emperor was heard from the palace. "What I have done merely aimed at the Immortal King. I haven't acted after you showed up. I thought we could live our lives in peace."

"Live our lives in peace?

Divine Emperor, do you think it's funny to lie to me?"


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