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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 1940

"Mom..." When the Divine Baby saw that Capree had not given him food for a long time, he held her chest again and began to behave in a spoiled manner.

"Okay! Okay! Don't cry. I'll take you to eat delicious food!"

Capree was like a real mother. She lovingly picked up the baby and went to the bedroom with Henry.

He saw that the disciples had already piled up a small hill of food on the table.

"Wow..." The Divine Baby had never seen so much delicious food before. The blue crescent-shaped eyes suddenly turned into a full moon in excitement! "Go eat!"

Capree let go of the baby.

With a flap of his wings, the Divine Baby flew to the table. He picked up a chicken leg, and with a tug, only half of the bone was left.

He then picked up a large pork chop and ate it in the blink of an eye like a locust! Then, he raised a large bowl of beef soup and poured it into his mouth! "Clang!" He threw away the soup bowl and sat on a roast suckling pork that was even bigger than him! "Puff... How could Heavenly Baby be so hungry?" "Master and Henry... they haven't let him eat anything for a few days?"

"This is too pitiful!"

"Let him eat slowly. Don't get too full!"

A group of disciples on the side watched in astonishment as the Divine Baby finished all the food on the table without leaving anything behind.

Everyone knew that the Heavenly Baby was born in a month because of their master's mysterious cultivation method.

Everyone had witnessed the amazing strike of the Heavenly Baby just now! But how could his appetite be so terrifying?

"Hie..." After eating all the food, the baby belched and sipped the soup on his fingers. Then, he looked at Capree... "Erm..." Capree was speechless and had to look at Henry. "Can he eat more?"

"Don't you think he would be too full?"

"Er... I don't think so. Just let him eat a little more!"

Henry shook his head helplessly.

"He even can kill the Divine Sky expert, so he should not have any problem!"

Anelise said with a smile, "Let's get him more delicious food!"

"Yes! The Divine Baby has saved everyone's life. We must give him something to eat!"

"That's right! Let's go to our kitchen to look for anything delicious!"

The disciples went out to look for food again.

The Divine Baby picked up the plate, stuck out his small tongue, and began to lick it seriously... "You are not allowed to lick the plate!"

Henry snapped.

"Ya... ya..." The Divine Baby could not speak, so he could only hurriedly point at the disciples who went out, and then pointed at Henry, Capree and himself.

It seemed that he was explaining to Henry that there were only three of them. Even if he licked the plate, he didn't disgrace Henry... "Er..." Henry was completely speechless.

But the Divine Baby began to lick the plate seriously.

It didn't take long for him to lick all the plates and pots! "Good food coming through!"

Anelise and the others brought more delicious food and put it on the table.

The Divine Baby looked at Henry and Capree.

"Eat it! You hungry ghost, I don't believe you can't be full!"

Henry said grumpily.

"Ya, ya!"

The Divine Baby narrowed his eyes again, picked up a roasted chicken, and began to nibble on it... "You white idiot, you didn't come out during the battle, and you just want to eat..." Henry depressedly said to the Divine Baby, "You've been eating for half a day. Let the black devil eat for a while!"

"Ya, ya... humph!"

The Divine Baby let out two sounds before it turned into the Devil Baby.

"Wu..." The Devil Baby released a low growl. He opened his mouth, and with his sharp teeth, he frantically bit down on the roasted chicken! Even the bones of the chicken began to crackle! He bit down on the roasted chicken until not a single bone was left! Then, he picked up a bowl of steaming soup and directly poured it into his mouth.

Half a basin was sprinkled on the black feather skirt... On the table, the soup was suddenly dripping, and it was a mess! "Hua la la la!"


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