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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 1952

"Master! It's good to watch the fun!"

"Many of us have never left Hundred Flowers Valley. It's so boring here!"

"Yes! Why don't you show us around?"

Anelise and a group of disciples of the Hundred Changes Sect all shouted.

"This..." Capree turned her head and looked at Henry inquisitively.

"The meeting... must be interesting. Let's go and have a look!"

Henry thought about it and muttered to himself.

"Sounds good!"

Anelise and the others cried happily.

They knew that Henry was in charge of the Hundred Changes Sect! A few days later, in the Imperial City of the Sacred Empire.

Usually, there was only the Sacred Empire's leader sitting in the main seat. But today, three golden dragon thrones were lined up in a row, and three people were sitting on these emperor's seats.

The person in the middle was from the Sacred Empire, Gordie Sheng. The person on his left was from the Grand Xia Dynasty, Emperor Nahir Xia, while the person on his right was the Lord of the Thundercloud Empire, Emperor Milborne Yun.

"Emperor Sheng, Emperor Yun and I are guests from afar, so we should sit in the first row. How can we... stay by your side?"

Nahir's words were polite, but his face showed that he was displeased.

In fact, he was very dissatisfied with the current seats.

Although the three Emperors sat together on the top, it was obvious that Gordie was sitting in the middle, which was the central position.

As for him and Milborne, they were like followers, accompanying Gordie. Naturally, he wasn't willing to accept this! "Emperor Xia, within the Vast Thousand Worlds, there are three forces. How would I dare to sit above and let the two of you sit below?"

How could Gordie not understand the meaning of Nahir's words?

However, he continued with a fake smile, "You and Emperor Yun can come to my Holy City personally and participate in the casting for the league that will go to the restricted area. You have given me enough respect. Of course, I have to treat you two well!"

"Emperor Sheng, we are not here to participate in the casting!"

Nahir immediately lowered his face. "Everyone knows that this restricted area is within the borders of our Grand Xia Dynasty. Since ancient times, only the people of the Grand Xia Dynasty have entered this restricted region to suppress the disturbance!"

"But now, you want to do some casting, wishing to select a group of experts and great figures to enter the restricted region to suppress the disturbance."

"What's more, you didn't discuss this matter with me beforehand. This... isn't this a bit too much of contempt for the Grand Xia Dynasty?"

Nahir's face turned colder and colder as he said this.

"Lord Xia, this is a misunderstanding!"

Gordie laughed and said, "I haven't told you about this matter, but I've discussed it with Emperor Yun!"


Nahir looked at Milborne curiously.

"That's right! We've discussed it!"

Milborne admitted it coldly with an unfriendly look.

"Lord Xia, the disturbance in the restricted region is a common calamity for our entire Vast Thousand Worlds, but your Grand Xia Dynasty has always been responsible for suppressing it. Our two great empires have long ago felt ill-disposed towards you!"

Gordie continued with a smile, "That's why, this time, I've discussed with Emperor Yun and decided to hold a major event for restricted area. We're going to search for experts in our territory and help your empire suppress the turmoil!"

"We were just doing this out of good intentions, so we didn't inform you beforehand!"

"Thank you. I appreciate your kindness, but there's no need to help!" Nahir, however, waved his hand. "The disturbance in the restricted region belongs to the internal affairs of our Grand Xia Dynasty. There's no need for you to worry about it; we'll be able to suppress it ourselves!"

"This..." Gordie and Milborne looked at each other.

"Lord Xia, I've heard that a few days ago, there was a heaven-shaking disturbance coming from the restricted area. This time, I'm afraid it will be a different story. You can't afford to be careless!"


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