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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 1972

Countless purple clouds could be seen behind Buster striking at the top of Henry's head. Thunder and lightning could be seen faintly.


A streak of purple lightning as thick as a bucket blasted towards Henry.


Henry snorted coldly. The Nine Tribulation Sword had already been flung out and was pointed directly at the purple lightning!

The tip of the sword got into contact with the lightning!


Another bolt of lightning flashed and thunder rumbled. The end of the purple lightning, which was as thick as a bucket, turned into a dazzling streak of electricity. It directly connected to the tip of the Nine Tribulation Sword!

The two parts of the Nine Tribulation Sword that had been unlocked immediately emitted a blinding white light!

The words "Heavenly Tribulation" "Mysterious Heaven Tribulation" were even more dazzling!

It was so glaring that the onlookers had to cover their eyes with their hands!

As for Henry, who was holding the Nine Tribulation Sword, his whole body was also burning with white light, and no one could see his figure and appearance at all!

Henry was like a sun that could not be directly looked at!

He even seemed as though he was about to explode!

"Wow! Henry is going to explode!"

"How did that the rusty sword in his hand not explode when it made contact Buster's Divine Purple Lightning?"

"Trying to snatch Princess Azusa from Buster is just beyond Henry's ability. He's biting off more than he can chew. Now that he's about to explode, it's too late to regret anything!"

The audience could not help but shade their eyes in awe at Henry's failure, thinking that he was going to explode.

"Ha ha ha! Let's see how long you can last, Henry!" Buster said as he laughed arrogantly.

"Is that all you've got? I'm afraid it's not enough!"

Henry said faintly from within the white light.


"How could Henry still be so calm?"

"He's not afraid of Buster's Divine Purple Lightning?"

Everyone was shocked.

"Humph! Quit bragging. I'll make sure you can't talk anymore!"

When Buster saw that Henry was acting as if nothing had happened, he suddenly became furious and pushed his palms forward towards Henry!

In the phenomenon of Buster, all of the purple mist poured out and floated above Henry's head, then merged with the purple mist in front of him.

Blotting out the sky and the sun instantly!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Within the radius of a few hundred meters within the purple mist, countless bolts of purple lightning as thick as buckets struck!

Those purple lightnings gathered together like a huge funnel, forming a dazzling bolt of lightning that exploded at the tip of Nine Tribulation Sword.

The Nine Tribulation Sword suddenly shook even more violently!

Henry's arm also began trembling!

It seemed as if he would not be able to withstand the power of the lightning powers of the Divine


"Wow! Looks like we won't be hearing Henry talking big this time."

"I can see that the light on him seems to be shaking, he probably won't be able to withstand it any longer!" Someone shouted nervously while looking at Henry.

"If he still doesn't go down, Buster won't be able to hold on for much longer!" Another said worriedly while looking at Buster.

It turned out that Buster was not having it easy either!

His hands were forming a complicated seal, and was also unexpectedly shaking intensely!

In the phenomenon behind him, the purple mists on his Divine Shore had all vanished, revealing a stretch of mountains.

The thunder in its clear sky exploded ferociously in the mountains.

The mountains were completely blackened by the explosion of the mountains.

How would there still be any trace of dense purple gas the Divine Race?


Suddenly, within the mountains, one of the giant peaks were smashed into pieces by the violent



A mouthful of blood sprayed out of Buster's mouth.

"Whoa... what is going on?"


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