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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 1996

The eyes of that had appeared at the entrance of the cave clearly belonged to beasts.

The Divine Baby hurriedly raised the bone staff without any hesitation.

He had already understood that the bone staff could protect them from wild beasts.

However, Henry was not sure if the feather on the bone staff could scare off the beasts of the Death Realm.

The natural laws of the Death Realm seemed to be much more powerful than that of the Restricted Zones.

The wild beasts there were definitely more formidable than the wild beasts in the icy world of the Gate of Rest.


It was visible that the eyes of the beasts at the entrance of the cave were flustered and shrank back a little, but they did not flee in fright. Instead, they continued to linger around the entrance of the cave.

Sure enough, they were much stronger than the beasts of that icy world! Had it been those beasts of that icy world, they would have fled long ago.

Henry took out his the bow and loaded it with an arrow, then he pulled the bow to its fullest, and shot it towards the eyes of those beasts! "Awoooo!"

A miserable cry sounded, and then a pair of sparkling green eyes vanished! The other pairs of eyes quickly retreated for a good distance, no longer daring to get any closer.

"Let's get some sleep! Scaring off those beasts with this feather won't be a problem!"

Henry erected the bone staff in the cave and fell asleep with the Divine Baby in his arms.

When he woke up, the sky was already bright, and the rain had also stopped.

Henry limped over to the entrance of the cave with his crutch, only to see a double-headed wolf as big as a horse lying dead at the entrance of the cave.

Both its heads had a terrifying amount of fangs, which gave it an extra ferocious look! Henry went on to skin the double-headed wolf, and the Divine Baby instinctively went to gather some firewood.

The father and son then roasted the meat of the wolf and had it for breakfast.

The meat of the wolf was tough and lean, it was nothing close to delicious at all.

However, seeing that Henry had fractured his leg, it was already good enough for him to be able to have free meat delivered to his doorstep.

After eating the roasted wolf meat, Henry took the Divine Baby for a walk around the area. He washed his face by a river and filled his leather pouch with fresh water.

Henry found some medicinal herbs in the woods. He returned to the cave and put the herbs over his wound, then fashioned a pair of splints with wood, and bound the fractured bones with the splints.

For the next few days, Henry rested in the cave and tried to avoid as much activity as possible.

The Divine Baby would carry the bone staff on its back and go out to fetch water, pick firewood, and gather some fruits.

In the Death Realm, although the beasts looked bizarre, the plants looked just about the same as the plants outside it.

However, the flowers, plants, and trees there were all much taller than those of the ancient land.

For example, the banana tree in the ancient land, was just five or six meters tall at most, but in the Death Realm, it could grow up to nearly ten meters.

After resting for a few days, Henry finally saw that his wound had become less swollen, and was slowly healing.

The meat of the two- headed wolf had already been finished by the father and son.

"Come on! Let's get out of this forest and see what else is left!"

Henry had been resting in the cave for a several days, and he felt very bored and depressed.

There did not seem to have anything but beasts in the Death Realm. They would not be harmed as long as they had that feather on the bone staff.

Therefore, Henry took the Divine Baby and followed the river in the forest and headed downstream.

The Divine Baby held the bone knife in its hand and led the way.


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