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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 2005

"Yes! This is Fupolis City in the Hong Clan League! The tree is the Fupolis Tree. Our Three-winged Clan and the Three-tailed Clan live on the Fupolis Tree!"

When Livaun returned home, she was also very excited.

"The Three-winged Clan?"

"The Three-tailed Clan?"

Henry could not help but think of the flag of the Hong Clan.

The flag had a giant bird with three wings and three tails.

"The most distinguished families in the Hong Clan are the Three-winged Clan and the Three-tailed Clan. The Three-winged Clan has been holding the post of An people in the Hong Clan League for generations, while the Three- tailed Clan has always held the post of the chief internal official in the Hong Clan League!"

Livaun introduced them to Henry and his son, and they arrived at the gate of the city.

"General Livaun!" "General Livaun is back!" The guards on the city gates all cheered. They placed their hands on their chests to pay their respects to Livaun.

The civilians knelt down on the ground, with their hands on their chests, and bowed their heads in a very respectful way.

Livaun waved to everyone and rode the horse into Fupolis City.

There were many houses in the city, lining up on both sides of the main street in the middle.

Among these houses, there were stone houses and wooden houses, as well as thatched cottages and cottages made of fur and feathers.

It seemed that there were nobles and rich people as well as civilians in Fupolis City.

In front of many houses were all kinds of workshops.

There were blacksmiths, carpenters, restaurants, sewing shops... Many people were busy in these workshops, and it was very lively.

There were also many horse carriages with huge wheels on the street.

These carriages were very tall, but horses were no different from the horses in the outside world.

They seemed to be only for carriages because everyone was riding a single-horned, tiger-clawed


Of course, the people riding the horses were all women nobles without exception. There was no male slave riding horses.

When everyone saw the multi- coloured feather decoration on Livaun's body, they quickly retreated to the side and made way for her.

Livaun rode the horse arrived directly under the Fupolis Tree.

A wooden plank road circled around the huge trunk of the Fupolis Tree, and then divided into many forks to the houses that led to the Fupolis Tree, like a maze.

At the entrance of the plank road, there were several guards wearing colourful feathers on their heads.

"Find a stretcher and carry him to the temple!"

Livaun dismounted from her horse and ordered the guards.

"Yes, Great General!"

Those guards quickly found a stretcher to carry Henry up along the plank road.

Livaun followed behind her with the Divine Baby.

After climbing for a while, they finally reached the middle of the tree. Henry found that there was a huge wooden sink that led the water from the waterfall on the mountainside to the houses scattered over the tree, and finally poured into a pool behind the tree.

People on the tree actually drank natural and pure water.

Looking from the top of the tree, the water of the huge waterfall in the west poured into the pool behind the Fupolis Tree, forming a river that flowed out of the waterway under the wall to the east of Fupolis City.

After walking for a while, when they almost reached the top of the Fupolis Tree, they came to a wooden platform.

Behind the platform was a huge tree hole.

The entrance of the cave was decorated with a lot of colourful gems and feathers. There was a group of women wearing colourful feathered hats guarding at the door.

"Are the lords inside?"

Livaun asked.


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