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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 204

Lok ran up to them with joy on her face and saw a young man who looked ordinary but wearing famous clothes standing in front of the five Audi A6.

"Brother Bruno, you're here?" Lok ran to the young man in surprise. She took the initiative to grab his arm and shook it back and forth like a little girl.

The young man called Bruno looked at Lok and said with a smile, "I know that you are opening today, so I called a few cars to support you."

It had to be said that the five Audi A6 were all the same, which gave people a very luxurious feeling.

"Thank you, Brother Bruno." A smile appeared on Lok's face. She then looked behind her and said meaningfully, "See? If one is a true friend, I don't have to say anything and he'll naturally help you. There are some people who are not sincere. They agree to help and play nice. When the time comes, they break the promise. I don't know if it's intentional or not."

As soon as Lok's words came out, the group of people subconsciously looked at Amity.

While the little face of Amity turned white, Henry frowned and didn't say anything.

"Lok, who is this handsome guy? Why don't you introduce him to us?" A good-looking girl walked to Lok, looked at Bruno with eyes full of emotion. Who could not see that this Bruno was definitely a rich second-generation guy? Otherwise, how could he find five Audis so easily?

"Brother Bruno's family is worth tens of millions in assets," Lok said enviously. After her old house was demolished, Lok got a total of more than three million yuan, of which nearly two million yuan was invested in opening this KTV. She didn't have enough money to buy another car.

"Wow! Ten million yuan!" The girls' eyes lit up upon hearing this. They all scrambled to go up and greet Bruno.

After going out of the campus, they completely understood how important the money was. No matter what kind of ideal they had, it was not as good as money. If they could take advantage of this large sum of money, they really didn't have to struggle for their entire lives.

He stood there and enjoyed the worship of the crowd.

"Brother Bruno, this watch on your hand is worth tens of thousands of yuan, isn't it?"

"It's so fancy. It's the first time I've seen a watch worth tens of thousands of yuan!"

"Look at Brother Bruno's clothes. They are all from famous brands. None of them is less than 2000 yuan. The shoes are the latest Armani collection worth more than 3,000 yuan!"

Under everyone's praise, Bruno was a little fluttering. He waved to Lok and said, "Lok, which car do you like? Tell me, I'll give you one."

As soon as he said the words, there was a burst of exclamation.

"Wow! Brother Bruno, you are so rich!"

"So rich that he is giving cars as gifts so easily!"

"Lok, what are you waiting for? Meeting such a man, you should get married soon!"

Lok smiled and pointed to one side, "Brother Bruno, can I take that one?"

Following the direction of Lok's finger, everyone's eyes were fixed on a white Maserati.

Compared with this Maserati, those Audi A6 were worthless.

There was a trace of embarrassment in Bruno's eyes, and then he said, "Damn, this guy parked the car and didn't tell me!"

"Brother Bruno, do you know whose car this is? This Maserati's price is nearly two million dollars! Ordinary people can't afford to drive it." A girl's face was full of excitement.

"Of course I know." There was a proud look on Bruno's face. "This is one of my buddy's car. I told him about Lok's opening today and asked him to park the car."

"Brother Bruno, you're so good to me!"


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