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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 206

"Rolls-Royce Phantom!"

"Berley Mustang, a limited edition! Worth over ten million!"

Looking at the luxury cars in the sky, Bruno and the others swallowed their saliva! Taking so many luxury cars in this way meant that this person was not only rich but also he didn't take the money seriously. Any car was worth more than the whole assets of Bruno's family!

"Look! They are landing!"

"They landed here!"

"D*mn it. He's the biggest tycoon in our city!"

"Which family is so rich!?"

Those helicopters that were flying in the sky above Henry's head slowly landed.

Each of the top luxury cars was worth more than ten million yuan and couldn't be bought with money. They slowly landed on the ground and stopped there, like a luxury car exhibition.

These cars had attracted both Bruno and Lok's attention.

This is what super-wealthy life looks like! If I can afford one of the cars in my life, it would already be enough!"

The door of the most expensive Koenigsegg opened, and a handsome looking youth walked out from within, instantly attracting everyone's attention. The girl who had just been staring at Bruno was now staring at the handsome youth.

Bruno had been so cocky just now, but now, he had a sense of inferiority. Compared to him, the young man who had just stepped out of his car completely outclassed him. In terms of family background, the other party's Koenigsegg was worth ten times more than his family's total assets.

Bruno rubbed his hands. At this moment, he forgot that he had just been slapped. He only thought about how to go forward and say hello to the young man in front of him. If he was lucky, they would become friends. The money flowing out from the other party's fingers was enough for him to live his whole life.

Lok and the girls around her all tried to squeeze out their most beautiful smiles, hoping to attract the attention of this rich and handsome young man.

"He's coming! He's coming! He's coming toward me!"

Lok and the other girls were excited in their hearts. They were thinking about the first sentence, how to greet him.

Just as they were immersed in this fantasy, they watched this young and rich local tyrant walk to Amity and that bumpkin.

"It's not okay to park the cars here." Henry frowned and said to Wade. These 18 cars blocked the road in front of the KTV.

When Bruno and others heard Henry say this, they immediately frowned.

Lok shouted, "Hey, the entrance of this KTV is my place. I haven't spoken yet. I don't think you have the right to speak."

After scolding Henry, Lok showed a friendly smile to Wade and said, "Sir, I run this KTV. You can stop here. I don't know this person. You don't have to pay attention to him."

"You don't know him?" Wade looked puzzled and asked Henry, "Boss, didn't you ask me to find a few cars and say that someone has opened KTV? Did I get to the wrong place?"

Boss? Find a few cars? Wrong place?

Upon hearing Wade's words, Lok, Bruno and the others were not able to come back to their senses.

"This young and handsome local tycoon called this bumpkin boss? Did this bumpkin ask for these cars to be brought here?"

"It's impossible! It's absolutely impossible! Must have been a misunderstanding!"

"You didn't get to the wrong place, but it's not necessary. They said they don't know me, so let's go." Henry waved his hand.

"Okay." Upon hearing this, Wade took out a walkie-talkie without saying a word. "Call the cars away! Hurry up! Don't put them here! I feel sick just by looking at these shabby pieces of iron! Hurry up!"


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