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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 25

Hearing this, the two policemen who were about to release Henry stood there as they got hit by electric shocks. They looked at the director, then at Helen, and did not dare to say a word. They were very clear that one of them was the head of the station, and the other was not lower than the head of the station.

"Okay! Helen, I have to talk to your boss about this today." The Chief pointed at Helen and gasped.

"Whatever." Helen shook her head and walked out of the interrogation room. Helen's voice could be heard from outside the interrogation room. "Watch after him. If he runs away today, you'll get arrested!"

The two police officers looked at Chief, waiting for his next instruction.

"All right, go out!" The chief waved his hand with displeasure.

The two policemen ran out as if they had been granted amnesty.

When there was no one in the interrogation room, the chief closed the door and walked up to Henry with a flattering smile on his face. "Sir, this... you have seen it. Helen is using her method to suppress me. You know, we are law enforcement officers. We can't break the law. Don't worry. I promise that you will never be treated unfairly here."

"Just do whatever you want. Uncuff me and I won't leave," Henry said indifferently.

"Thank you, thank you for your understanding, sir." The police chief looked grateful and quickly untied the handcuffs.

Helen ran out of the police station angrily, drove the police car, and went straight to the crime scene. She didn't know why the chief wanted to protect Henry. She only had one idea in her mind now. She wanted to find evidence as much as possible and then punish him!

These six strong men who were beaten were still in a coma and could not make a record. Helen arrived at the location to look for evidence.

The small alley at the site of the accident was the closest to a bus station. Now, many bus stations had monitoring, which had greatly suppressed the crime of the thief. With Helen's identity and authority, she easily played the monitoring video of the bus station.

Helen saw Henry's figure from the monitor and smiled. "Humph, I got you. I want to know how you can deny it!"

Helen thought Henry must be gathering his men at the bus station and then fighting with others. But when she saw these six strong men appear on the monitor and take the initiative to take Henry away, she felt that something was wrong.

This should be... this bastard didn't take the initiative to fight with them!

On the monitor, Helen could clearly see the sneer on the faces of these six strong men. Obviously, they were the ones who deliberately made trouble.

"Did I misunderstand him?" Helen's beautiful face was flushed and her heart was throbbing. If she misunderstood him, she would be embarrassed today.

No! Even if he was carried away, how could he explain the six people's arm fractures and internal bleeding? This must be done by him and must be investigated!

Thinking of this, Helen directly drove back to the police station and rushed into the interrogation room, only to find that the interrogation room where Henry was originally detained was already empty, with only an incandescent lamp shining on the empty interrogation chair.

Seeing this scene, Helen got angry and roared, "Where is he? Who let him go?"

"Captain... Captain." A police officer answered with a trembling voice, "He didn't leave, he is outside."


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