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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 266

For others, Tyler was noble and could not be provoked at will, but for Henry, there was no one in the world who Henry dared not touch!

Henry's arrival attracted a burst of sarcastic eyes from the people around him.

"Hey, this coward is here now?"

"And just a couple of minutes ago, he was such a coward and ran away."

"He's quite stubborn!"

The younger generation, who had a good relationship with Tyler, spoke up one after another.

Some elders also pointed at Henry. They were probably saying the same things about him. After all, everyone saw Henry running away through the window at that time.

Tyler smiled scornfully. "I say, what courage do you have to say such a thing in front of me? Just now, according to the timing of your escape, I have reason to suspect that you are in cahoots with those gangsters. A few more people, handcuff him!"

Tyler roared.

The police officers, who were still working, stopped their movements subconsciously.

Tyler roared again, "Catch this man, don't let him run away!"

The police officers looked back and forth at each other and then walked toward Henry.

Tyler showed a sneer and said to Henry without any scruple, "Kid, don't you see where we are, don't you know what I do! I'd like to see how you tear my mouth open!"

"Henry, you got yourself in trouble. You are overly confident and straight up. It's really not good." A boss who had a good relationship with Chris whispered to Henry and shook his head regretfully.

A police officer took out a pair of handcuffs and was about to handcuff Henry on the spot.

"What are you doing!? Why would you arrest my husband?" Sylvia shouted and stood in front of Henry. "As law enforcement officers, do you know the law?"

"The law? Little girl, I tell you, I'm the law!" Tyler said rudely, "It's okay if you want your husband to be safe. As long as you obediently climb into my bed tonight, I promise he'll be fine. What do you think?"

Tyler licked his lips and stared at Sylvia with his eyes full of desire.

Sylvia's face turned blue with anger after hearing what Tyler said. "You're so shameless!"

"Haha." Tyler smiled frivolously. "If you don't want to, then let your husband go to jail. Let me tell you, I have countless ways. Cuff him! Cuff him!"

The policeman with handcuffs put handcuffs on Henry's wrist on the spot.

"Master Shan, I'm afraid this is a little unreasonable. My godson obviously has nothing to do with those gangsters. Even if you want to arrest them, you must have evidence, right?" Chris, who had been silent for a long time, was no longer silent at this time.

"I say, President Xiao, are you out of your mind? How can you protect such a good-for-nothing like him?" Tyler curled his lips and smiled. "How did he leave you behind and run away? To tell you the truth, one of my dogs is more reliable than him!"

Chris shook his head and said, "Mr. Shan, let's not talk about what kind of person my godson is for the time being. Since he is not breaking the law, you have no right to arrest him!"

Chris really didn't understand Henry's character. He only knew that at that time, this was a very popular child who was sensible, polite, and didn't like to make trouble for others. But ten years had passed, people could change. Now, Chris was no longer sure if Henry was as sensible and kind as he used to be, but he absolutely couldn't watch Henry get into trouble. If anything happened to Henry, he couldn't forgive himself.

Tyler smiled and said, "President Xiao, if you say that I don't have the right to arrest him, then who has the right? Don't forget, I am also a policeman. I am going to arrest him now. Who dares to stop me?"

Tyler stretched out his hand and ordered, "Show my police officer's certificate to President Xiao and give me handcuffs!"

A police officer ran over and took out a police officer's certificate. The owner of the certificate was Tyler Shan.

At the same time, the policeman with handcuffs handed the handcuffs to Tyler.

Tyler took a pair of handcuffs and put them on Henry's wrist with a chuckle.


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