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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 28

"Sylvia, do you know?" Ben's voice sounded clearly in the whole music studio. He had already brought his headset so that everyone could hear his low and magnetic voice. "We have known each other for five years. From the first time I saw you, you entered my heart and have never left. You are as holy as an angel, bringing me light. I have fantasized about being with you countless times. I know that what I did today was very rude, but I can't control myself. I am eager to express my love to you. Today, in front of the witnesses, I will tell everyone that I love you!"

As soon as Ben finished his words, a crisp female voice sounded.

"Marry him!"

This female voice, like a fuse, instantly lit up the atmosphere of the whole music hall.

"Marry him!"

"Marry him!"

Listening to the sound rising and falling in the music studio, Ben's eyes showed a smile of success. The first woman who shouted "marry him" sneered, hid in the crowd, and stopped talking.

Sylvia stared around with a terrible look. She really didn't expect that Ben would make such a scene. The continuous voices in the crowd made her particularly uncomfortable.

Ben looked at the perfect woman in front of him. Today, he had specially prepared the confession. He invited the student of Master Pajiv to play for him and invited countless people to help him call out the two words "marry him". Today, he was bound to make himself the perfect confession and occupy the headline of tomorrow's Yinzhou. He could even think about how to write tomorrow's news.

The president of the Lin's Group was married, but she had a flirtatious relationship with a man in the concert. The man should hold a grand confession for the president of the Lin's Group.

When the news came out, Ben was sure that Lin family would be affected by such sensational news, and he could take the opportunity to get what he wanted.

Just as Ben was winning, Sylvia was furious and was ready to leave. Suddenly, there was a loud noise, which was loud and sonorous. It was the Chinese traditional instrument guzheng! It completely suppressed the soft and beautiful piano sound, and the spotlight that hit Ben also completely darkened at this moment.

"What's going on?" The sudden change shocked him. His confession had no guzheng at all, and the sound of the guzheng was enough to completely crush the beautiful artistic conception he had just created!

The sound of the guzheng and the sudden darkness shocked Ben, but Sylvia breathed a sigh of relief.

If the gentle sound of the piano just now had brought everyone into a peaceful village, then now the sonorous sound of the guzheng had brought people to the battlefield, as if thousands of troops and horses were galloping in front of them, shouting and killing!

Chinese atmosphere filled the whole music hall.

Just as the sound of the guzheng reached a certain level, it abruptly stopped.

"Is it gone?"

"That's it?"

The sudden stop of the guzheng made the music hall full of surprises. They were attracted by the guzheng. The sudden interruption of the guzheng made them particularly uncomfortable.


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