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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 410

On the first day of the opening of the stone gambling shop, a green jade appeared in the first stone, which was absolutely a good sign.

The Peerless Jade immediately attracted a lot of attention and those passers-by who on the pedestrian street also looked over.

As the staff in Bing's store continued to brush the stone, the jade became greener and greener, and some people who understood jade became jealous.

"Oh my god, it looks like it's worth at least 2 million!"

"Two million?"

"What I'm talking about is color, not the whole jade. The specific value depends on its size!"

A one-meter-high stone was gradually brushed on the corners. Finally, an irregular jade with a length of 25 centimetres appeared in everyone's eyes. It was green and beautiful!

"Oh my god, how much is this piece?"

"30 million, at least 30 million!"

"Two hundred yuan exchanged for 30 million?" A burst of exclamation sounded. It could be seen that the old man was laughing so hard that he couldn't close his mouth.

"Master Ke, I really took advantage of you this time." The old man laughed a few times. "In the past, I spent hundreds of thousands of yuan just to buy stone like this. I really dare not gamble."

A piece of jade with a value of 30 million yuan was bought with 200 yuan. Many people guessed that Bing must have regretted so much. However, when they looked at Bing, they found that he didn't look regret as they imagined. Instead, he looked happy.

"If this stone is placed here, it would be taken away sooner or later. Now, on my opening day, I got the first jade. It's also a good sign for my store. Haha." Bing laughed.

The old man looked at the door of the shop again, and finally fixed his eyes on a stone. "Master Ke, how much is this stone?"

"80,000." Bing grinned. "Each person's first stone is 200 yuan, and the rest stones are sold at the original price."

"I'll take it." The old man waved his hand in a loud voice.

As soon as the old man's voice fell, a young man immediately jumped out from the side and took out two hundred yuan bills and put them on the stone that the old man saw.

"Here is the money. I want it!"

The old man frowned and looked at the young man. "Young man, I'm afraid it's not appropriate for you to do this. It's clear that I wanted to buy this stone first."

The young man's neck went stiff. "What's wrong? You didn't take out the money. I've already taken out the money."

After the young man finished speaking, he looked at Bing and said, "Boss, it is important who pays first."

Bing nodded. "Yes, that's true."

"That's right." The young man showed a proud face. "I'll take that stone. Open it for me!"

The staff member came over and asked the young man, "Sir, do you want to brush it or cut it directly?"

"Brush!" The young man imitated the old man's tone and said decently.

The staff nodded, took out professional tools, and slowly ground the corner of the stone. As the corner was ground out, a green light appeared in the eyes of everyone.

"Green! Green again!"

"Are you kidding me? There are two jades in a row? What a good man!"

"That old man is an expert. All the stones he likes have green inside."

"Oh my god, this guy took advantage of Bing. Two hundred yuan for a piece of green jade."


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