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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 495

As the cruiser approached, they gradually got close to the island. Looking at the place, they could feel an invisible majesty pressing on them. They could not help slowing down their pace, and even subconsciously, their voices became lower.

The warship parked in front of the island, at this moment, slowly made way for the cruiser to pass.

The cruiser that Sylvia was riding on was moving slowly between the warships. The muzzles of the warships on both sides were aimed at the cruiser. As the cruiser moved slowly, the muzzles of the warships were also changing their direction.

Everyone standing on the cruise could feel a huge pressure.

Sylvia couldn't help but show a nervous look on her pretty face.

Steve saw the nervousness on Sylvia's face and said with a smile, "Don't worry. I have a few friends on somewhat high positions on this island."

When Steve spoke, his face was full of pride. After all, it was a kind of honour for many people to know the people on Radiant Island.

The cruiser was gradually approaching the port. Sylvia saw that the wall, which was 25 meters high, moved slowly. A gap slowly opened. There was a huge stone door.

When the door opened, people felt that there was a glimmer of light in the dark.

The tall wall made people feel a bit depressed, but the flower garden inside the wall was like a colourful feast, which made people's eyes brighten.

Sylvia saw a girl of 13 or 14 years old with blond hair, in a snow-white dress and a corolla on her head. She shuttled through the flower garden like an elf.

Before stepping on the island, Sylvia had thought about this island a lot. She guessed what kind of place the island was. She had thought that there might be a steel castle full of tanks and armoured vehicles everywhere.

Sylvia also thought about it. There were fierce people walking everywhere, and their eyes alone were enough to scare people.

But now she found that this place was as beautiful as a painting.

There were no high buildings. Behind the steel wall, there was a paradise, wooden houses, and green hills. They could be seen clearly. The people here were almost all wearing linen clothes, giving people a very simple feeling.

Not only Sylvia but also 90% of the people present thought so.

The person in charge of Ji family had already expected what they would think, so he said, "If the island was open to the public, this would be absolutely the most beautiful tourist attraction in the world. But remember, on the island, you are not allowed to take photos. The flowers and vegetation planted by the islanders are likely to be their food for the second half of the year. If you step on their food, it is equivalent to their lives. I don't think I need to say more about how the people on the island will react to those who want their lives."

After stepping on the island, the underground forces of each country would be separated from the other countries, which meant that they were divided into several areas.

Tonight, everyone would stay on Radiant Island. The next day morning, the underground world hall would be held.

There were several forbidden zones on the island. In the centre of the island, there was an ancient castle designed in European style, which was absolutely beyond the reach. There were restricted zones within five meters of the wall of the island. No one was allowed to get within five meters of the wall.

The person in charge of the Ji family gave a map to everyone. On the map, all forbidden areas were marked and no one was allowed to go there.

The place where Sylvia stayed was a courtyard built entirely of wood, which was fully in accordance with Chinese style. There were several forces living in each courtyard. Outside the courtyard lived the inhabitants of the island, who would prepare food for the people who came to the island.


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