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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 5

Sylvia got up in a hurry and rushed out of the bedroom. There she saw Henry, who was wiping the floor.

At that time, Henry also turned his head and saw Sylvia. He smiled at her and said, "President Lin, you're awake."

Sylvia frowned. "It's ten o'clock. Why didn't you wake me up?"

Henry laughed and said, "President Lin, you said you did not allow me to come to your bedroom."

Sylvia was stunned. She couldn't say a word. She did say something like that. Suddenly, she thought of something and her pretty face suddenly became cold. "I remember that I fell asleep on the sofa yesterday. Why did I wake up in the bedroom this morning?"

Henry's smirking expression froze. He scratched the back of his head with his hand and said with a hollow smile, "Haha, I carried you to the bedroom when I saw that you didn't sleep well on the sofa yesterday. But don't worry, I didn't do anything out of line! Trust me!"

"Carried?" Sylvia grabbed this word. The person in front of her actually hugged her! Sylvia subconsciously checked her clothes. When she found that her underwear was untouched, she breathed a sigh of relief.

Henry was afraid that Sylvia would continue to question him, so he quickly changed the topic. "President Lin, isn't there something else to do in your company? I have prepared the lotion and toothpaste for you."

Sylvia also knew that there was no time to talk about these things with Henry and that the company's affairs were the most important. She crossed her slender legs, rushed to wash up, opened the door, and ran out.

Henry looked at Sylvia's back and smiled dotingly.

Sylvia was driving the red Mercedes-Benz GT and was feeling anxious. This morning, she was supposed to deal with the land she worked with Chows', but she slept until 10 o'clock. What a mistake!

In the lobby on the first floor of Lins Group, Danny Chow, dressed in a formal suit and wrapped in gauze on his head, was waiting anxiously. He looked at the time and it was already half-past ten. It was still an hour and a half before noon, but President Lin had not come yet.

Danny clearly remembered what the vicious man said yesterday. If he hadn't apologized before noon, he would be in trouble!

Danny's father, Matin Chow, was also standing there with a serious expression. He heard his son talk about what happened yesterday, and learned that the other party almost destroyed the whole Chows' with only a phone call, which made Matin Chow tremble. At the same time, he taught his son a good lesson, so that he must not make Lins dissatisfied again!

Just then, a red Mercedes Benz GT stopped at the gate of Lins Group.

At the sight of this Mercedes-Benz, Danny's face was full of joy. He hurried to meet it. Matin Chow also quickly caught up with it and put a smile on his serious old face.

Sylvia, who was formally dressed, got out of the car and saw Danny, who was walking towards her with a smile on his face. The gauze wrapped on his head also puzzled her.

"President Lin, I've been waiting for you for a long time. You're finally here." Danny tried to be polite. When he spoke, he bowed slightly and put himself in an inferior position.

Sylvia was stunned by Danny's attitude. Yesterday, she also learned from the phone call that the man in front of her asked her to go to Chow mansion alone. She found this to be strange, but she was polite and smiled contemptuously.


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