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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 500

"My skin is aching and the veins are pulsing uncontrollably. My head is aching..." Henry's voice slowly sounded next to Future.

Future quickly recorded something on the tablet.

Henry took a deep breath. "Also, my skin is blushing, and it feels like it is on fire. There is an indescribable strong feeling that is gathering in my body, such as..."

After saying "such as", Henry suddenly stretched out his fist and slammed it on the ground.

At this moment, Future stood there and couldn't help but panic. She widened her eyes and stared at the ground under her feet. A crack was spreading toward her feet from the place where Henry's fist hit!

The crack did not spread very fast, but the ground under this island was made of an extremely hard substance. The hardness of the ground was not less than that of steel!

"I feel that there is a force in my body that wants to break out, and the only thing I can do is to release it!"

Henry let out a low growl. He half-squatted and kept hitting the ground with his fists. As Henry punched, more and more cracks appeared on the ground, extending along the island.

Future felt that the ground under her feet was shaking. She carefully looked at the position where Henry was. When Henry punched, she clearly saw that there was a circle of airwave, which was sent out by Henry's fist. The ground had already sunken even before Henry's fists touched it!

With a light sound of a crack, a piece of gravel on the edge of the island collapsed from the island and fell into the calm sea.

The sea was silent. After three seconds, with a bang, the sea suddenly exploded erupting four-meter-high water as if the bomb had been thrown into it.

The seawater rose up in the air, and then scattered, splashing the water on the ground.

At the same time, Henry slowly breathed out a sigh of relief.

Future looked at this scene in a daze. A person, one person alone, could make the ground tremble and crack. His strength could even affect the water!

It was no exaggeration to say that such a person would be as powerful as a time bomb wherever he went. The power he exerted was too frightening!

A red inverted triangle mark appeared on Future's tablet. She looked at the screen, it was an urgent reminder.

Every corner of the island was equipped with live monitoring facilities. These monitoring facilities not only showed their surroundings but also included the ingredients in the air, which could enable people to know something wrong immediately.

At this moment, the computer's data showed that the place where Henry was located, the place where his first hit the ground, was without air. Because of Henry's hit, a vacuum state was formed!

This was a powerful force that squeezed all the air out! Even the air couldn't withstand the impact of this force. If Henry's opponent was standing there, what would happen to him?

"Would that person be punched by Henry's fist? Or simply turn into a pile of meat?"


Future shook her head. Her achievements in science told her that if a person faced Henry's attack, unless he was stronger than Henry just now, there was only one ending for that person, he would... decompose!

He would completely decompose and would be erased from the world, there would be no trace of him!

"What's this? This is an ability that only The Creator could possess!"


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