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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 509

"No one knew where The Conqueror came from. He was like a meteor, appearing and shining, but he was more eternal than a meteor. Some people have counted that The Conqueror has gone through 2,329 battles. During these battles, The Conqueror almost got killed, but he never surrendered. It's not too much to say that he climbed out of the bones."

"It is said that when The Conqueror was fifteen years old, he held a dagger and killed all 37 members of Sir Jude’s family. It was only because Sir Jude spat in a beggar's bowl on the road."

"The Conqueror was arrested and imprisoned for three months. At that time, he escaped from the so-called darkest prison in the world. The prison was located on an isolated island. It was heavily guarded, and no one could come to prison. No one knew how he did it."

"When The Conqueror was seventeen, he appeared in the underground world with a ghost mask. He said that he would punish all the people who bully the weak, and because of him, the Reapers were established."

"It only took him a year to punish tens of thousands of people. At that time, countless organizations offered high rewards for his head. But in the end, just those organizations were destroyed."

"When he was nineteen years old, he started a war and was powerful enough to overturn the underground world. People in the underground world called that war 'Revolution'!"

"The Revolution started. It lasted for seven years. In these seven years, countless people and forces in the underground world died. But The Conqueror, who stood at the forefront of the storm, became more and more powerful. He proved to the world that he had the strength comparable to that of God!"

"Until the establishment of Radiant Island, under the worship of tens of thousands of sects, The Conqueror grew from a nobody to a level that made the whole underground world tremble. In this world, only The King Region who ruled the underground world for thousands of years could compete with him."

"A few months ago, The Conqueror went to The King Region in Europe and fought against their leader. No one knew the result of that battle. There were rumors that The Conqueror was seriously injured, and he was disabled. Some thought that The Conqueror had died, and his legend had ended."

"However, today, The Conqueror showed up and told everyone that he was still a legend. He didn't die. This underground world is still... the world of The Conqueror!"

All kinds of voices came from behind Sylvia. From the beginning, the voices were low, but now they became louder and louder.

Sylvia listened. This was the first time that she had heard about Henry and his deeds so clearly. This was the first time that she knew how great her man was.

It was a man in a black-and-white robe and his collar stood straight. He slowly raised his head, and his eyes were like scorching meteors, which made people dare not to look directly at him. He stood there and did not move, but he made people feel a mountain-like pressure. He was the king of the underground world, and he was the ruler of the underground world! He was the so-called strongest man in the world!

Under the starry sky, the most powerful man was The Conqueror!

At this time, those armored Reapers standing behind Alex all knelt down on one knee in unison and said in a deep and thick voice.

"Greetings, my King!"

At the same time, the nine kings of Radiant Island faced Henry and knelt on one knee.

"Greetings, my King!"

On the spectators stand, someone got up first, and then knelt down on one knee, facing the platform in the middle.

The king of the underground world didn't just rely on his strength alone. In that revolution, he rescued too many people from the hard time. They adored The Conqueror from the bottom of their hearts and treated him with respect!

"Greetings, my King!"

"Greetings, my King!"


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