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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 575

The Great Patriarch and Henry chatted for a while, and then he continued to let the crowd sense the Qi.

Henry saw that everyone was immersed in feeling the Qi, so he did not disturb them. He was in the Qi-controlling Realm, so he knew very well how significant the Qi influence was. Once a person could learn how to use it, the effect on his body and strength would be unimaginable.

Henry glanced around in the crowd, but he didn't see Future, so he asked Peze.

When he heard Henry mention Future, he smiled bitterly. "That girl is still quarrelling with that man. She is in her lab."

Henry walked to the laboratory. If a person wanted to enter Future's lab, he had to pass at least ten rounds of identifications. If he made more than three mistakes, countless laser beams would appear and cut him into pieces.

Coming to the laboratory, Henry saw Future sitting in front of a pile of instruments through the wall made of glass. The Third Patriarch of the Tang clan was also in the lab.

The glass door opened, and Future looked up. "Boss, you're here."

After that, Future continued with her research.

As for the Third Patriarch, he did not even look at Henry. Instead, he kept his head down and was trying to figure out the things in his hand.

Henry had no contact with the Third Patriarch of the Tang clan, but he knew what kind of character he probably was. If he were in the academic field, he would be a stubborn old man. He only cared about his own things. The scientists were stubborn, and the Third Patriarch of the Tang clan was also a kind of scientist.

"Old man, I've figured it out. It's so simple. " Future picked up a mould casually and threw it in front of the Third Patriarch.

Henry noticed that when the Third Patriarch saw the mould Future threw to him, there was a hint of amazement in his eyes, but he still refused to admit defeat. "Little girl, I thought you were very capable. As a result, this is all you can do. Check this out."

When the Third Patriarch spoke, he also threw a mould to Future.

When Future saw the mould thrown by the Third Patriarch, she immediately went silent, and her eyes lit up. After a long while, she said, "Old thing, you are just so so."

Henry looked at the two of them and covered his head. Both obviously approved each other's level, but both of them refused to admit defeat.

"Future, if you are done with your work, I have something to ask you." Henry said to Future and walked out of the lab.

About ten minutes later, Future came out of the lab. When Henry was about to speak, she said in advance, "Boss, I know what you want to ask. I've already checked it out."

Future handed a document to Henry.

Henry glanced at it and saw the three words "Energy Emitting Formation" written on the top of the document.

He looked at the dense data in the document and felt a headache. "What do you mean?"

"It's similar to a magnetic field." Future lazily stretched and said, "The stone of Energy Emitting Formation has an ordinary composition, which is similar to the most common kind of rocks, but it forms a strange magnetic field. This kind of magnetic field has a strong decomposition power, but it can't cause harm to the human body. It only affects the energy body. In other words, if were you to stand in the Energy Emitting Formation, even the impact of the ordinary bomb couldn't affect you. The so-called Energy Emitting Formation can also release the energy inside the Spiritual Stone and merge it into the air particles so that it can be absorbed."

"How did it do that?" Henry was confused. How could an ordinary stone produce such a decomposed power?

She shook her head, and there was a rare look of doubt on her face. "I don't know either. Unless I can break the Energy Emitting Formation and study it, I can't realize why this stone can behave like that."


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