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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 588

Now, there were too many people in this world who did give some money to charity just to get some attention.

As time went by, the charity began to be hated by others. But now, what Henry and Jenny had done completely refreshed many people's understanding of charity.

There had never been a media report about them sponsoring Spring residential home!

If it were another company, they would let everyone know.

This changed many people's view of Henry.

The rumour about Henry's illegitimate daughter was also broken.

Moreover, because of this reversal, the people who were watching online began to doubt whether what the title of the live broadcast said was true or not. Would a person who secretly did charity and did not ask for anything in return have an affair and make a student pregnant?

The public, which was initially unified against Henry, was divided into two sides now.

Henry looked at the reporters and said, "Everyone, I have a video that I want to show you."

Henry raised his mobile phone and played a video.

At the same time, the cameras of those reporters were all aimed at Henry's mobile phone screen.

In the first half of the video, there was a scene of Henry taking Lam to the hotel that night and that scene was taken secretly by someone. This was only the first half of the video. The second half of the video was the monitoring of the hotel. Initially, it was deleted by someone with intentions, but Henry was still able to find it. It could be seen that he had sent Lam to the hotel and left and that Henry did not spend the night in the hotel.

"Who are you lying to? This video is obviously edited, and that girl is pregnant. It is impossible that you had just taken her to the hotel and left."

"Yes, it's obviously fake!" The person arranged by Zhao's Group began to quibble in the crowd.

Hearing their words, Henry chuckled and said, "Haha, everyone, don't worry. There's another one."

Henry clicked several times on the screen of his mobile phone, and another video popped up.

In the video, there were two people. One of them was a stranger, and the other one was the person all the people present knew, the teaching director from Yinzhou University.

"You have taken five hundred thousand yuan before, and this is the other five hundred thousand yuan. Tomorrow morning, you will go to the Lins. You don't need me to teach you what to say, do you?" In the video, the stranger put a few piles of money in front of the director.

"Of course, I know what to say." The director accepted the money with a smile on his face. "I will say the girl in our school is pregnant. Don't worry. I've prepared the hospital report! Your Zhao's Group will see a good show tomorrow."

The video was not long, and there were only two people who had a short communication. But when this video was released, both the people present and the people watching the live broadcast couldn't calm down.

As the director of the student affairs office of Yinzhou University, how could he have made such a false testimony? What he just said was not only irresponsible to his own school and smearing Lins group, but also that girl's life was likely to be ruined. It was evident that she did nothing wrong, but still, the fake news about her abortion spread out. After all, public opinion in society could make some people hurt themselves!

"What he has done is totally a sin!"

"Such a person should get arrested!"


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