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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 726

It was drizzling. No one held an umbrella, and there was a hint of chill in the air.

"The master from Xiao Manor, Steve Xiao!"

Another loud shout came from the entrance of the forest.

Steve Xiao walked over from the entrance alone, looked around, bowed slightly to the members of the three big families, and then sat in the outermost seats.

Shouts came from the entrance of the jungle one after another. Figures came in one after another and chose the most suitable seats for themselves and sat down.

On the surface of Sosasmo desert.

Henry stood under the scorching sun, controlling the Qi in his body and integrating it into his meridians.

With a "bang", Henry finally integrated a wisp of Qi into the meridians of his right arm. But it took him three hours.

The moment this wisp of Qi merged into the meridians, the sand under Henry's body suddenly burst out.

"Use the Qi to change the environment!" Henry's face lit up with joy. "This cultivation method is really powerful."

Henry could clearly feel the powerful force in his arm.

"The first success is the slowest. Next, it will be much easier." Henry held his breath again, looking for the feeling that he had just had when he integrated the Qi into the meridians and continued to do so.

The first step of the World Devastating Tecnique was to integrate every meridian in his body with the Qi.

Capital City, forest, at four o'clock in the afternoon.

The seats in the back of the forest were almost filled. All the underground forces had come one after another.

The Nangong family from Yanjing was sitting in the second row, and the Yue family from Hangshi was also sitting in the second row. In the front row, almost all the seats were empty except for the three noble families from the capital city. Everyone was clear that there would definitely be people sitting in the seats here.

At six o'clock in the afternoon.

The light rain above the capital didn't stop. On the contrary, it became more and more intense. The rain wetted their clothes, but no one made a sound. They all sat there in silence.

This Ancient Kungfu Family Meeting was supposed to be a feast, but because of the fall of Radiant Island and the clan's strong rise, it had turned into what it was now.

A burst of sudden laughter broke the strange silence here.

"Ha ha ha, have you people of Xiao Clan not made any progress after so many years? You are still so weak!" A loud laugh sounded from the entrance of the dense forest.

Two figures were rapidly approached. Both of them were walking on air. This scene alone made all the underground forces here widen their eyes.

Flying in the air! In their eyes, this was the skill of an immortal!

Both of them were middle-aged. "You laugh at our Xiao clan, but you didn't make any progress. Your Su clan is the same. Let me see how strong you are!"


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