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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 751

Wade had long been accustomed to the title of an idiot. He had suspected more than once that when his father named him, he had a bad taste.

At the moment, Wade was completely attracted by the dragons mentioned by Future.

"Future, quickly tell me what's going on with these dragons."

Future reached out and knocked on Wade's head. "I said that you are an idiot, but you are really an idiot. Have you not seen the movie Jurassic park?"

"D*mn it!" Wade stuck out a middle finger. "You're talking about the dinosaurs, and I'm talking about the real dragons. This!"

As Wade spoke, he brandished his broadsword once more.

"In the Dinosaur Era, there were all kinds of dominators in the sea and sky. A giant dinosaur with a height of dozens of metres existed. Who could say whether there was a dragon with this type of body?" Future shrugged her shoulders and said, "According to my research, many prehistoric remains of the earth haven't been completely pieced together. They are all big things. Who can tell whether or not our Chinese Dragon is one of those remains?"

"Sigh." Wade sighed, looking downcast. "I thought you were really sure of the existence of such a creature as a dragon."

"If they weren't real, how could they have been passed down for so long?" Future asked in reply. "If Atlantis was simply constructing the truth and creating the truth, how could he have been trusted by so many people? You don't agree with this sort of existence, but that doesn't mean that others don't agree. In the field of science, this world is divided into hundreds of millions of different kinds."

"Hundreds of millions of kinds? How so?" Wade's curiosity was aroused again by Future.

"It's very easy to understand. Just say take people and birds as an example." Future took out a tablet and put out two pictures on it. "People can see trees by opening their eyes. People can feel the trees because they have hands. They can smell things. It's because they have a nose and they can hear things because they have ears."

"Future, aren't you talking nonsense?" Wade rolled his eyes. "All these things you've said, all of them are known to children. It's not a science." "It's very simple. Every time people feel a different kind of thing, it is because they have an extra organ. Just like before eating, you will first see the appearance of the meal, then smell it, and finally taste it with your tongue. While some creatures don't have a nose, and they will eat directly when they encounter something. If you have an extra organ on your body, then you will have a new understanding of this world. Let's talk about birds. People move by using their legs, but do you know what the legs of birds are used for?"

Wade was stunned. This simple question really confused him. Human legs were used to move the human body, but the birds mostly relied on their wings to move. There was almost no reason for the existence of their legs. Some birds even did not have feet.

Future turned off the tablet and said, "Look, birds' world and our world are two different concepts. Just because birds have a pair of wings more than us, in their world, trees are not trees. They may be a kind of food or a place to live. In their world, people are just another form of things. To put it bluntly, we humans are better at thinking and creating than those animals. Because of our eyes, our world may not be as wonderful as their world. Animals will evolve because of the surrounding environment. However, humans can only create something preventive because of the surrounding environment. This is the so-called gift. Most animals are talented and stronger than humans."

Wade swallowed a mouthful of saliva. He really hadn't thought about the things that Future was talking about, but when he thought about it, he felt terrified.

What people can feel is only because of these organs. If some of the organs were missing, their world would change greatly. For example, blind people can't see mountains and rivers. People without taste buds can't feel sour and bitter.

There were many things in this world, not just the things that people saw. It was very likely that when people evolved again, they would have one more organ or one day they could invent something that could imitate an animal's organ. People would see a lot of things that they had never seen before!


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