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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 76

In the crowd, a gray-haired old man was lying on the ground, unconscious.

"I'm a doctor. Please give way," an old man, squeezed into the crowd.

When the crowd heard this, they quickly made way for him.

The old man, who claimed to be a doctor, looked to be in his seventies, but his physique still looked very strong. He seemed to have exercised for a long time.

The old man squatted on the ground and grabbed the old man's wrist. He put two fingers on the old man's pulse. After observing for a few seconds, he reached out and opened the old man's eyelids.

After seeing the pupils of the old man, he looked worried and then waved to the crowd.

"Everyone, don't surround him. If the air doesn't flow, it will affect the patient! Please make a way!"

The crowd gradually dispersed and formed a larger circle. They kept watching from the side.

The old man was wearing a tunic suit. He put his hand into his pocket, took out a roll of cotton cloth, and spread it on the ground. In the cotton cloth, there were shining silver needles.

The old man skillfully picked up a silver needle and inserted it into the old man's body without hesitation.

This movement aroused a burst of exclamation from the onlookers.

Many people knew about acupuncture, but they had never seen it with their own eyes. Anyone would subconsciously frown when they saw a doctor completely insert a more than ten-centimeter long silver needle into one's head for the first time.

The old man inserted a silver needle, but he did not stop. He continued to take out the silver needles and inserted them into the old man's head respectively.

Four silver needles were all stuck in the old man's body, but the old man still had no reaction.

The old man frowned even more. He had been practicing medicine for decades and had seen a lot of symptoms of dizziness, but could not find what was wrong with this man.

At this moment, a voice came from the crowd and reached the old man's ears.

"You placed the needles in the wrong position. Your intention was to stimulate his brain nerves and wake him up from his fainting. However, this person is clearly in a state of suspended animation. He won't have any reaction even if you use a twirling needle to stimulate him."

The old man looked back and saw a young man in a white tank top and beach pants standing next to him and talking slowly with a bag in his hand.

"How do you know that he is in a state of suspended animation?" The old man asked in confusion. He did not say anything like "don't talk nonsense if you don't understand". Otherwise, the young man couldn't even name the four acupuncture points he had just inserted in the needles."

"It's obvious that you only checked his pulse and pupils, but you forgot that there is a serious connection between Chinese medicine and one's body. His pupils gather together and he is on the verge of death. This is the basic characteristic of a coma, and your thoughts are limited. You think this is the reason why he is in a coma. But you didn't carefully look at his fingers. They are also white and the bloodline is not smooth. In this case, it is more likely that his brain lacks oxygen and his nerves are in a state of suspended animation."

When the old man heard Henry's words, he looked more worried.

It was not because he was educated in such a tone by a junior. But if it was true, it meant that the patient lying on the ground was in a very bad situation!


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