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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 796

Langston stood on the stage and let out such hysterical roars.

If it really was the Emperor of Hell who had released this roar, then it would definitely cause everyone's hearts to tremble in fear.

But now, the roar came from a silly junior from the Jiang family, which sounded particularly funny.

"Hahaha!" A loud laugh came from the other side of the clan. Yolande shouted, "The Emperor of Hell? Radiant Island? What a big name? And he even threatened to destroy the clan? I said earlier, your acting skills are not good enough. If the Emperor of Hell had really come, he would have wagged his tail like a dog and wouldn't have dared to shout so loudly!"

"Radiant Island? Radiant Island that had sunk into the bottom of the sea a long time ago. If the sunlight couldn't shine in that place, then how could it be called Radiant Island? How could it possibly be the light of the Earth? I think, after Radiant Island sank into the bottom of the ocean, it should be called the muddy island. The island must be filled with filthy mud, hahaha."

"Laughable Radiant Island!"

"Don't mention these clowns again!"

On the clans' side, voices were heard one after another. However, these voices were not from the clan, but from the underground forces that followed the clans.

When the people from the three families from the capital heard this, they felt a burst of sadness.

In the past, when Radiant Island had overturned the King Region, the entire underground world had been in a state of peace.

In the past, when the Lord of Radiant Island descended upon the world, he held a holy meeting and no one dared to disrespect him.

But now, Radiant Island had sunk for only two months, and these people had become like this. They had already forgotten who gave them peace and a place to shelter.

Facing the ridicule from the clans' side, Langston, who was on the stage, seemed like he had not heard it. His neck turned red and he continued to shout loudly, "All members of Radiant Island, listen to my command. Those who dare to humiliate our Radiant Island must die!"

"Ha, ha, ha!" Yolande stood next to the table and continued to laugh. "So what if I humiliate your island? It's just a pack of stray animals, I'm standing here, who can do anything to me, who can..."

Yolande was in the middle of her sentence but suddenly stopped.

It could be seen that Yolande's eyes and her mouth were wide open. She moved feebly, but she could not make any sound. There was panic in her eyes and her pupils were slowly spreading.

The dark blue knife tip, like a deep sea, came out of Yolande's chest. The blood from Yolande's body poured out like a fountain.

Behind Yolande, a white bald man appeared.

The bald man struggled to pull out the blade that was inserted in the back of Yolande's body, and with a slight push with the other hand, Yolande's whole body was stiff and fell forward.

The bald, white-skinned man stretched out his hand, wiping away the blood on his blade, then said, "Sea God, from Radiant Island, will listen to your orders!"

A scimitar rushed towards the dinner table on the clan's side, bringing with it an arc of Qi. As the scimitar streaked across the table, it created a mist of blood. Many of the weaker clan members were cut off by the scimitar because they couldn't dodge in time, and their blood sprayed out.

After spinning a circle, the scimitar was heavily inserted into the table.

"The Slaughter King from Radiant Island, will listen to your orders!" Alex walked over, grabbed his machete, licked his lips, and said.

A black beam of light descended from the sky and shot toward the stage like a bolt of black lightning.

"Bang!" There was a dull thud.

A large black knife was inserted into the word "happiness" on the background wall of the stage. The word "happiness" was punctured from the middle and scattered on both sides.


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