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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 8

"Take my car." At this time, Anna suddenly spoke and pressed the car key in her hand and the car let out two beeps. Seeing Sylvia's dissatisfied look, Anna smiled at her and said, "President Lin, is this the person you mentioned to me before?"

"Yes." Sylvia nodded.

At this time, Henry had already sat in the back seat of Anna's car with a cheeky smile.

"Let's go, President Lin. Let's go to your house and have a look." Anna said.

Sylvia had no choice but to get into Anna's car. After she sat in the passenger seat, she deliberately leaned the seat forward. Even though she really couldn't move, she wanted to keep as far away from Henry as possible.

Henry seemed to have not realized how much Sylvia hated him. He just sat there and laughed. He kept talking to Anna and said that he had never seen her before. He asked if she was a new employee.

Although Anna knew that Sylvia hated Henry, she couldn't put this emotion in her mind, because when she was hired, she not only had to protect Sylvia but also received the task of protecting Sylvia's husband. To put it bluntly, this man in the car was also her employer.

The car just drove on the street and gradually arrived at Luxury Village.

Henry looked at them with a naughty smile all the way. In fact, his attention was always outside the car, and he clearly saw that the two trucks he noticed before were always behind the car.

As they drove into the community, Anna drove toward the villa area under Sylvia's guidance.

Just as they were about to get home, Henry saw that the road in front of them was blocked.

On the commercial road of the community, there were two trucks parked. They were in the middle of the road blocking the way, so the cars could not drive through.

Anna tapped the horn twice, finding that the two cars in front of her were not moving at all. Helplessly, Sylvia had to let Anna reverse the car. But just as Anna was about to reverse the car, another two trucks came from behind, and then parked there, blocking the road completely.

At this moment, Anna realized that something was wrong. After telling Sylvia to stay in the car, she got off the car.

As soon as Anna opened the door, six men stepped down from the two carriages behind her. With a sneer on their lips, they walked toward Anna with daggers in their hands.

At the same time, five men also walked down from the two cars blocking the road. They completely surrounded them.

"Miss, get out of here if you know what's going on. I only want the woman's life in the car." The leading man shook the dagger in his hand and said to Anna.

"Just you?" Anna glanced around the eleven people with contempt in her eyes.

"Miss, if you don't know what's good for you, you will die. Since you don't listen to me, I don't care to kill one more person. Before you die, I will definitely let you know what pain is!" The leading man strode toward Anna, raised the dagger in his hand, and stabbed her in the face.

Sylvia, who was sitting in the passenger seat, saw clearly through the windshield what was going on. When the other party raised the dagger and stabbed toward Anna, Sylvia screamed and covered her eyes subconsciously. Her heart was beating fast.


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